I'm thankful that i got a chance to spend 3 months in Rome doing internship here and for all wonderful people I met here
Thanks for the chance Matt
Chorzów 2007 - Berlin 2009 - Berlin 2010 - Gdynia 2010 - Berlin 2012 - Berlin 2012 - Stockholm 2012 - EV Manchester 2012 - Milan 2014 - Trieste 2014 - Vienna 2014 - Berlin 2014 - Gdynia 2014 - Rio 2018 - Sao Paulo 2018
I'm thankful for my understanding wife Kathi who accepts my PJ-freakness!
up here in my tree in Vienna 2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2 2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna EV London/Hammersmith 2012 EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017
I am thankful for my family and friends who have helped me get through this most difficult year, couldn't have made it without them!! Also for my PJ family, which has expanded this year with Timmy and Nicole, Jamey and Colin! Love you Kids!! Lastly, I'm thankful for Pearl Jam! Lightning Bolt is awesome and I got to dance and sing with my LOVE to Light Years in San Diego. I will miss her and LOVE her always!! Cheers and be well!
Seen the Best Rock Band on the Planet a few times here and there.
thanks to God who has given a lot of convenience in this life. to my mother for prayer and advices that are stored in my brain every day. the wife who keeps me smiling every day. the daughter gives a reason to live better. pearl jam and fans around the world for the spirit and accompany the journey of life. thanks all. I love this life.
- "I wish I was a messenger, and all the news was good" -
I carry gratitude every day. For being a happy person, for my family & my friends who are second to none. I am extremely grateful to be a part of this community & taking this journey. Our shows this year were some of the best weeks of our lives & getting to spend them with people who totally understand is such a wonderful feeling.
I am thankful for my close friends and family that stood by me last Thanksgiving when the doctors told them that I wasn't going to make it. ICU 3 weeks.., a build-up of too much drinking over the years, my fault. Discharged St. Josephs Tacoma 12/6/2012 a changed man. Thank you God and thank you PJ and the PJ nation! "I'm still alive." Thanks.
I'm thankful for the life i have, my Girlfriend and my kids who keep's my life always sunny. I'm also thankful to this PJ community who always try to help each others.
very thankful for having the best family and friends anyone can have!! also grateful for marrying my best friend and the love of my life this december!! thanks for the chance!
san antonio tx 2003
austin tx 2009
EV san antonio tx 2011
dallas tx 2013
austin tx 2014
I am grateful for an amazing year which included my engagement ... 2 pj shows... my family... health... and to be blessed with so many amazing people in my life.
Makes much more sense, to live... in the present tense.
it's been too long since I did one of these, so here we go! i'm lucky enough (thanks to some great friends that really know how to twist an arm) to be attending 3 upcoming PJ shows instead of my original plan (which was one). I'll be heading to Portland, Spokane & Seattle. I'm going to grab a random merch item from one of these shows to giveaway. So, this giveaway will be open until NEXT SUNDAY DECEMBER 8th at 1pm Pacific Time. I will draw a random winner shortly after it ends. I usually give away a smaller 2nd & 3rd place prize as well. Shipping is on me worldwide.
In the spirit of thanksgiving, here's what you need to do to enter:
Simply say one thing that you're truly thankful for. That's it. I'd also appreciate if you guys keep a running tab (just copy & paste) of your entries to make it a bit easier for me, because I'm lazy. (one entry, please keep it nice)
Happy holidays, everyone & I'll see you all at the shows!
1.To have a loving family
2.To live in the U.S.A. born here
3.To have Pearl Jam for 23 years of great music
4To have the Ravens win over Pittsburgh on Thanksgiving Day no hate on their city or their team or their fans.
5.To have been loved for 18 years lost my wife on April 14th 20012 she loved Pearl Jam to
6.To have many animals that I have loved and still do past and present
7.To be able to overcome Addiction from a back injury that went way to far
8.To be able to play guitar not as good as Stone,Mike or Eddie but have fun none the less
9.To still be Alive after all the crazy things I have done over the years
10.To be able to still laugh,Cry, and still have fun
11.To have all the same friends that I grew up with so cool
12.To be able to see Pearl Jam twice on this tour it would have been more but I only could afford Philadelphia and Baltimore but it was so very cool I have not had any smiles on my face for awhile
13.To keep trying in life no matter how hard it gets and to just get some things that others don't have a clue why it would make me happy like a sticker or poster a guitar pic none from Pearl Jam but many from others
14.To have the best soldiers in the world fighting for our Freedom all though I wish they could just come home for good and be with there family's and to have no problems and get the respect they Deserve
15.To Have a fan that is doing what your doing I have never won anything but it does not hurt to try I hope you have the best time at the shows from one fan to another Happy Thanksgiving to you have fun be safe and I hope I win
and so on.....
the letters you write
deep in the darkness
and the candle you burn
for those that have lost it...
-Thankful and grateful for each and every day. Every day this past year has been a reminder to enjoy every moment because tomorrow is never guaranteed.
-Especially grateful for Pearl Jam this year. I feel like the month I had following them on tour was a real turning point in my life. It has given me an overall more positive outlook and has helped me start fresh after some rough times. PJ has shown me that it's OK to be this happy again.
-As always, thankful for my amazing friends and family!
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
I am thankful for the new house we were finally able to buy after 11 long months of looking! Now we are in our own home enjoying the holiday weekend :-) And thanks for this opportunity :-)
"I'll ride the wave,Where it takes me, I'll hold the pain, Release me"
"I'm not about to give thanks or appologize"
"Caught a bolt of lighting, cursed the day he let it go"
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
I am thankful for having a beautiful woman and family that is supportive of me.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
I'm thankful the doc said our baby girl due next month was 100% healthy so far
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
I am thankful for being back in the US living with my wife and four beautiful kids (all PJ fans!)
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
I'm thankful that i got a chance to spend 3 months in Rome doing internship here and for all wonderful people I met here
Thanks for the chance Matt
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
I'm thankful for my understanding wife Kathi who accepts my PJ-freakness!
2006: Vienna 2009: Berlin 2010: London ~ Berlin 2012: Amsterdam 1+2 ~ Werchter ~ Arras ~ Berlin 1+2
2014: Milano ~ Trieste ~ Vienna ~ Berlin 2018: Padova ~ Rome 2022: Budapest ~ Vienna
EV London/Hammersmith 2012
EV Berlin/Zitadelle 2017
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
my wife
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amo28
My Wife and Kids and our Dog, Lucy
Happy Turkey Day Y'all!
9/28/96-9/29/96(Randalls Island)
9/8/98 (CAA,NJ)
8/23/00-8/24/00-8/25/00(Jones Beach)
7/8/03 &7/9/03(MSG)
6/1/06 (CAA,NJ)
5/21/10 (MSG)
10/19/13 (Brooklyn)
5/2/16 (MSG)
9/2/18 (Fenway)
Sea Hear Now Asbury Park 2021
9/11/22 MSG
TotD 11/7/16 (MSG)
EV (NJPAC) 2/6
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amo28
57. dyermaker4101
I am thankful to have a caring family and girlfriend who would do anything for me
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
I am thankful for my family and friends who have helped me get through this most difficult year, couldn't have made it without them!! Also for my PJ family, which has expanded this year with Timmy and Nicole, Jamey and Colin! Love you Kids!! Lastly, I'm thankful for Pearl Jam! Lightning Bolt is awesome and I got to dance and sing with my LOVE to Light Years in San Diego. I will miss her and LOVE her always!! Cheers and be well!
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
I'm thankful for my wife, 4 kids, job, and for going to two shows this tour.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
thanks to God who has given a lot of convenience in this life. to my mother for prayer and advices that are stored in my brain every day. the wife who keeps me smiling every day. the daughter gives a reason to live better. pearl jam and fans around the world for the spirit and accompany the journey of life. thanks all. I love this life.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
I carry gratitude every day. For being a happy person, for my family & my friends who are second to none. I am extremely grateful to be a part of this community & taking this journey. Our shows this year were some of the best weeks of our lives & getting to spend them with people who totally understand is such a wonderful feeling.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
I am thankful for my close friends and family that stood by me last Thanksgiving when the doctors told them that I wasn't going to make it. ICU 3 weeks.., a build-up of too much drinking over the years, my fault. Discharged St. Josephs Tacoma 12/6/2012 a changed man. Thank you God and thank you PJ and the PJ nation! "I'm still alive." Thanks.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
I'm thankful for the life i have, my Girlfriend and my kids who keep's my life always sunny. I'm also thankful to this PJ community who always try to help each others.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
very thankful for having the best family and friends anyone can have!! also grateful for marrying my best friend and the love of my life this december!! thanks for the chance!
austin tx 2009
EV san antonio tx 2011
dallas tx 2013
austin tx 2014
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
I'm thankful for my little baby Olivia, the eyes of my life... and because next year PJ will be once again here in Argentina.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
I'm thankful for the life that I'm able to live and the family & friends that I get to share it with.
austin tx 2009
EV san antonio tx 2011
dallas tx 2013
austin tx 2014
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
67. 63schoefflin
I'm thankful that I grabbed Okonokos before you did
'10- MSG 1-2 '11- PJ20
'12- MIA; DeLuna '13- Wrigley; Pitt; Brooklyn 1-2; Philly 1-2; Baltimore; Seattle
'14- Denver '16- Philly 1-2; MSG 2
'17- Pilgrimage Music Fest (Eddie)
'18- Fenway
Unread postby mfc2006 » 27 Nov 2013 13:36
hey everyone....
it's been too long since I did one of these, so here we go! i'm lucky enough (thanks to some great friends that really know how to twist an arm) to be attending 3 upcoming PJ shows instead of my original plan (which was one). I'll be heading to Portland, Spokane & Seattle. I'm going to grab a random merch item from one of these shows to giveaway. So, this giveaway will be open until NEXT SUNDAY DECEMBER 8th at 1pm Pacific Time. I will draw a random winner shortly after it ends. I usually give away a smaller 2nd & 3rd place prize as well. Shipping is on me worldwide.
In the spirit of thanksgiving, here's what you need to do to enter:
Simply say one thing that you're truly thankful for. That's it. I'd also appreciate if you guys keep a running tab (just copy & paste) of your entries to make it a bit easier for me, because I'm lazy.
Happy holidays, everyone & I'll see you all at the shows!
1.To have a loving family
2.To live in the U.S.A. born here
3.To have Pearl Jam for 23 years of great music
4To have the Ravens win over Pittsburgh on Thanksgiving Day no hate on their city or their team or their fans.
5.To have been loved for 18 years lost my wife on April 14th 20012 she loved Pearl Jam to
6.To have many animals that I have loved and still do past and present
7.To be able to overcome Addiction from a back injury that went way to far
8.To be able to play guitar not as good as Stone,Mike or Eddie but have fun none the less
9.To still be Alive after all the crazy things I have done over the years
10.To be able to still laugh,Cry, and still have fun
11.To have all the same friends that I grew up with so cool
12.To be able to see Pearl Jam twice on this tour it would have been more but I only could afford Philadelphia and Baltimore but it was so very cool I have not had any smiles on my face for awhile
13.To keep trying in life no matter how hard it gets and to just get some things that others don't have a clue why it would make me happy like a sticker or poster a guitar pic none from Pearl Jam but many from others
14.To have the best soldiers in the world fighting for our Freedom all though I wish they could just come home for good and be with there family's and to have no problems and get the respect they Deserve
15.To Have a fan that is doing what your doing I have never won anything but it does not hurt to try I hope you have the best time at the shows from one fan to another Happy Thanksgiving to you have fun be safe and I hope I win
and so on.....
the letters you write
deep in the darkness
and the candle you burn
for those that have lost it...
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
67. 63schoefflin
68. OGT92
I'm thankful that my family and friends are in good health. Thank you for the chance.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
67. 63schoefflin
68. OGT92
69 rjwhite19
Thankful for health and family, and everything else in general
Toronto 2011 1 & 2 London 2013. Quebec City 2016. Ottawa 2016
Fenway 2016 1 & 2
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
67. 63schoefflin
68. OGT92
69 rjwhite19
70. cp3iverson
extremely thankful for the health of my family.
2. White Discussion
3. PP193448
4. JB23237
5. branscop
6. thegreatplainsman
7. Dfishberg
8. eje201
9. Chinobaeza
10. Nothingman
11. Thepedro
13. Loulou
14. Duncs
15. EdsonNascimento
16. Bissy77
17. BLACK35
18. Pumpz81
19. umbertotamba
20. Tempo_n_groove
21. kasedoug
22. Spankey's Popp
23. Scurtis
24. Jethrojam420
25. Lando
26. YankeeBill
28. adusick
29. pookasnake
30. shetellsherself
31. jlaustin
32. jb412
33. Eddievedderssweater
34. supernaut1125
35. bobby dazzlers
36. perfectlefts14
37. mitchmuhs
38. deftones
39. scratched vinyl
40. pulling69
41. Acesn8s
42. lever
43. dugangsxr
44. Release EV
45. Carnevil
46. Happy Julio
47. OctopuS27
48. gr8fulmouse
49. retropony
50. cmalisze
51. weekapaug19
52. kv286578
53. Paulina87
54. Chrisilein
55. a5pj
56. amos
57. barger395
58. JohnnieBeBlue
59. awang_vedder
60. kellanazzie
61. pjam2
62. FC148629
63. LoveBoatCaptainDave
64. mostri187
65. payling
66. waynernator
67. 63schoefflin
68. OGT92
69 rjwhite19
70. cp3iverson
71. samjam
-Thankful and grateful for each and every day. Every day this past year has been a reminder to enjoy every moment because tomorrow is never guaranteed.
-Especially grateful for Pearl Jam this year. I feel like the month I had following them on tour was a real turning point in my life. It has given me an overall more positive outlook and has helped me start fresh after some rough times. PJ has shown me that it's OK to be this happy again.
-As always, thankful for my amazing friends and family!
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
"I'm not about to give thanks or appologize"
"Caught a bolt of lighting, cursed the day he let it go"