''where the calm surrondings
provide more opportunity
for decision making
rather than being driven
by the fast moving
winds of change''
it's beautiful says
''where the calm surrondings
provide more opportunity
for decision making
rather than being driven
by the fast moving
winds of change''
it's beautiful
How does one get a signed/numbered print? I picked up both posters at the show and neither appear to be numbered?
You can occassionaly grab them at shows but usually they're only available on the artists web site sometime after the show. Keep an eye on here and the porch to find out when they go on sale.
The SIT Phoenix poster was here:
luck with your sale
Having a hard time posting the back from my phone, but here's a link to it on inside the rock poster frame.
http://insidetherockposterframe.blogspo ... t.html?m=1
''where the calm surrondings
provide more opportunity
for decision making
rather than being driven
by the fast moving
winds of change''
it's beautiful
Awesome, thanks for putting that up!
Posters for Sale:
T-Shirts for Sale:
You can occassionaly grab them at shows but usually they're only available on the artists web site sometime after the show. Keep an eye on here and the porch to find out when they go on sale.
The SIT Phoenix poster was here:
And as another example here's the link to Brad Klausen's site:
Hope that helps!
Signed red A/P's are still available. Just go to the link that scratched vinyl provided. 90 Euros (price w/shipping) is about $125, fyi.