Biggest regret-purchases

I've bought a lot of gear and a number of things that I regret. One was an acoustic modeler made by Behringer. It was (probably) the worst sounding pedal. I was able to sell it back and make a bit of money. Still, I was pretty let down by this. The other was the Fender Blender. I was looking for a rotary unit/flanger but, in my ignorance, I thought the Flender would make the sound I wanted. I liked the sound but it wasn't anywhere close to what I wanted.
Are there any pieces of gear that you regret getting?
Are there any pieces of gear that you regret getting?
Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
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biggest regret is my fender kurt cobain jaguar. that thing is a hunk of shit. had to have the nut rebuilt and then replaced. the bridge made it impossible to keep it in tune and it buzzed horribly. had to have the bridge modified and tremolo locked down to make it even playable. it looks great and sounds amazing when it is playable, but any change in season and that thing is useless. i will never buy a mexican made fender again.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
then i realized that while it can be cool to mess with, i never really play it much, and i thought maybe i should focus on mastering the 6 string! so i sold it.
then years later, i bought a new 12 string acoustic
then i realized that while it can be cool to mess with, i never really play it much, and i thought maybe i should focus on mastering the 6 string! so i sold it.
so i guess that would be mine.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Also, my first wah pedal, a Crybaby. Not my sound. I'm a Vox kind of guy.
Also, the money-pit Marshall I owned several years ago. Not my sound, and a pain in the ass to get parts for.
If you want to talk regrets, though, ask me about the gear I've sold. There's a novel.
Tube Works Blue Tube Pedal... Never was a good drive. Still have it, for sale, make offer!
MIJ 5 string Fender Jazz bass. Never found a use for that B string. Sold it after a year
my two solid state bass amps
Peavey TKO 115 solid state bass amp.
Ampeg B2R solid State bass head (still have it, for sale, make offer).
And on the tube side
1976 Bassman 50. I was told via ebay seller it had a minor mod to it. When I got it and pulled the chassis, both pre amp sections were completely changed. Right then I should of just put it back up and took my losses. Nope I spent the money to put it to a earlier 60's bassman circuit. I love the amp now, just would of been cheaper to go buy exactly what i wanted.
New Orleans, LA 2003
Oakland, CA 2013
I guess my biggest regret was a Yamaha Troy Van Leeuwen SA503 signature arch-top, bought on a friends recommendation which looked *awesome* but didn't have a great deal else going for it in the end unfortunately.
It had P90 p/ups and 2 three-way selectors with a ton of switching options, and a nice Bigsby trem, but it was poorly constructed from less-than-decent woods, and consequently didn't have a wonderful resonance. That said, I did use it on the last album I recorded (you can hear the guitar here; and our producer got some nice tones from it going into a Vox.
I sold it 4 months ago and put the funds towards my first Gibson Les Paul, so it occupies a special place in my heart for what it allowed me to replace it with (if that makes sense...?
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