Looking for a PJ "Sevens" BOX SET

I was watching the EAGLES game today and didn't jump on until after the "Sevens" BOX SET was SOLD OUT. I am so bummed. ANYONE out there buy an extra copy and willing to sell please let me know and send me a PM.
Look forward to someone helpng me out
Look forward to someone helpng me out

Post edited by Unknown User on
Sorry for the rant.
Not even sure I would have bought, I read it was $80 including shipping to Canada, but the whole "buy this second, or you will lose out!" thing kind of chaps me. I read the newsletter at like 1:00pm my time, it was sold out an hour and a half later.
I get why they do it this way, but I bet at least a quarter of the sales are to be people who could care less about the music or the art, they just want to flip it.
Kind of reminds me of buying concert tickets when I was a kid *cough *cough
Youre a better person than me because I dont get why they do this :?
Haha, I get it, but I don't like it. I just get chapped that I pay to be a member, and I had little chance of buying this cause a good chunk were sold to flippers. Would have been nice to have a chance, at least the way Vault was sold.
I totally agree folks. I feel the VAULT #3 vinyl was handled the right way. I purchased it! We (10C members) had every opportunity to purchase that record since we had an entire week to do so. We should of had the same amount of time again here, NOT an hour or two. It's a ashame because I bet a lot of these SOLD to flippers that JUST in it to make a BUCK. :evil:
Immediate reaction to not getting one..... Good chunk were sold to flippers.
not really laughable bearing in mind some of the circumstances regarding a few members... your acknowledgement that a good chunk were sold to flippers is TOTALLY ironic, considering your screen name contains the word 'slinger'
Last: SEA2 08/10/2018
Next: ??
“I think you won, but I enjoyed the fight” - EV
I agree! Only makes people on here MORE angry to see it was $55... will probably sell for what the VAULT vinyl goes for. Who ever offered a BENNY for it is JUST plain STUPID. The box set won't be anywhere close to BENNY status.
I agree. Someone JUST sold their copy on ebay for $400 BUY IT NOW. :evil:
Few Members and Good Chunk are basically the same thing.
Screen name slinger must mean I'm a flipper. You are probably really good at puzzles. Check out my ebay auctions for a large selection of everything PJ limited in the last 23 years.
LA II 06, SB 06, SF III 06, Kokua 07 Ed and Jack, Grant Park 07, EV Berk1 & LA 1 (nice job 10c), 08 DC, MSG1 &2, VH1 rocks, EV Bos II, EV NYC I & II, Milwaukee, EV Maui, EV Hono I & II, Chicago 09 I & II, LA 09 I & II & IV, SD 09 (my girlfriend hit the lottery, best concert of my life 10C rocks)KC 2010, STL 2010, Hartford. Boston, and MSG I & II "who goes around skinning cats anyway", PJ 20 2011 , Portland, Spokane, Seattle LA 2013, Home Shows + Missoula (fatal 👌)
that was not my insinuation at all, relax :corn:
Last: SEA2 08/10/2018
Next: ??
“I think you won, but I enjoyed the fight” - EV
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pearl-Jam-Light ... 20db0534de
I don't know the rules on posting links...I am NOT promoting this. Making fun of how crazy this is.
I offered cost and called him a flipper in the comments. Big shock that he rejected my offer.
I'd never buy anything just to flip. I only buy stuff I want, hence not being too disappointed by not getting an annoyingly unpractical 3rd copy of an album. But dude, don't hate the player, hate the game.
EV - Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney 2011; Sydney 2014.
I think there is a difference here. If you wait a year, at least you can pretend to claim that you bought it for yourself but maybe fell on hard times or just don't even like it anymore. Fine, go ahead and get market value for it.
But buying sevens and then putting it on eBay the next day, an entire month before it even ships (!), your only motivation was to make a quick buck at another fan's expense.
EV - Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney 2011; Sydney 2014.
Anyone who missed out on PEARL JAM's Sunday's pre-sale of 'SEVENS' vinyl box set here at the 10C (MOST of us), THIS may be your LAST chance, so DO SO ASAP! Don't pay those ridiculous prices on eBay! Here is the LINK:
http://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/B00GJT2EZU ... -1&pi=AA75
Take care folks