Worst news ever (phone calls on planes)

The airport is a place in a growing list of places where I find myself increasingly frustrated with having to listen to everyone's phone conversations. Seriously, I do not care (at all!) about little Jimmy's soccer coach benching him or your latest vd outbreak. People speak far too loudly on their phones and I feel have lost all sense of common courtesy.
Prepare for the plane to now be a tube full of people speaking far louder than they need to. Good thing I can turn up the ipod full of Pearl Jam tunes to drown them out because this is truly maddening news:
Anyone else feel this makes what can be tedious but necessary (long flights) worse?
Prepare for the plane to now be a tube full of people speaking far louder than they need to. Good thing I can turn up the ipod full of Pearl Jam tunes to drown them out because this is truly maddening news:
Anyone else feel this makes what can be tedious but necessary (long flights) worse?
The love he receives is the love that is saved
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If this was train travel I could simply say "Fuck that, I am never going on a train again."
Being that it is plane travel and I am a national sales director....ummm, well I fly multiple times per month and am stuck listening to it.
lol, yeah the thread title is tongue in cheek. Wait until you sit next to someone who talks for 4-5 hours straight.
But yeah now i see the title is pretty funny.
I figured the pilots were already on their cell phones.
I sincerely doubt that would happen and I'm sure airlines would not allow their pilots to do it.
Anyway, I'm curious to see how this is all going to work in the long run.
My dad shuts his off every time.
"Gotta go, we're going to start taxying here soon."
Nice, glad to hear it!
I am bummed that this is going into play -- I cant even imagine the poor stewardesses trying to deal with upset passengers (my phone isnt working....the guy next to me or 10 rows in front of me is too loud) or trying to interrupt the conversation a passenger is having to ask them 26 times what they would like to drink before the dope can say "water"
Bet your dad will have some funny stories on that.
BruinGuy "@NWCommenter: If the guy next to you is annoying you with his phone call just play porn on your tablet. He'll shut up quick."
Seriously though, I am betting this is going to last a short time. I know that a lot of people want it but it is a recipe for angry flyers and half of the people up there are already worked up about something or other.
"guess where i'm calling from? THE PLANE!!!!"
Like people did when they had phones in the seat backs
my flying pet peeve that makes me want to go ape shit is getting stuck next to the asshole who brings a salad on the plane with the nastiest smelling dressing. fuck those people.
McDonalds for me x 1000. I havent eaten that dogshit in 10 years -- now I sit next to a person who inhales 2 big macs and dallies over their fries for the first hour of the flight.
Just get in the seat, read your book or play on your tablet, work on your laptop, etc, and do your best to be a good citizen and not bother other people.
flying from st louis back to chicago in about three hours. sold out flight, had to pick the middle seat and watch... i get the salad/mcdonalds jackass to my right and cell phone guy to my left.
noise cancelling headphones are key, but what to do about the smell...
thankfully it's only about a 50 minute flight.
Alright, I got the pre-takeoff phone lady. "Oh my god, that stand by thing worked! I am on the 5:30 back to Chicago. Isle seat though. Hahahaha, yeah I got the isle." :fp:
Then she lost more respect when she started playing candy crush full volume. But gained respect for slamming three vodka tonics on a 45 minute flight. She was a tough one to figure out.