Anyone Looking for 2013 Tour Sticker's ?

SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
edited November 2013 in Lost Dogs
Going to have quite a few to trade. Have most of 1st leg covered. Really looking for people to help me with second leg. Also have Charlottesville,Charlotte, Philly 1 & 2, Baltimore,Buffalo, a Brooklyn 1 & 2, Wrigley's(both color's) maybe some NOLA's & could maybe scare up a Pitt for a solid Portland or Spokane trade, but will trade anything I listed for Pitt, if you're interested p.m. me
Scott A. Setser
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Also looking for 2012 Liberty bell, Missoula bear, Atlanta peach & Deluna beach ball
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Scott A. Setser
  • arqarq Posts: 8,049
    PM sent 8-)
    "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Thank you arq, you're the man! Have Hartford's(of course) Charlottesville's, Philly 1&2, Brooklyn 1 & more coming. Still looking for second leg help or Brooklyn night 2 & Baltimore's. Will be going to Seattle, so can cover future trades if your looking for any. Thank's again to those I've traded with & those who might want to trade. Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Got Missoula Bear Bump
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Still got Hartford, Philly 1&2, Brooklyn 1, Baltimore, Pittsburgh & a few Charlottesville's left. Still looking for trades.
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Anyone going to Spokane & Calgary wanting to set up trades? Looking for Baltimore's as well.Would trade a Charlottesville for Worcester 1 also! Thanks Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Future trades Bump!
    Scott A. Setser
  • I have ATL and Deluna. Looking for Hartford and New Orleans.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    And another trade is made! Anyone looking for Charlottesville, Hartford, Baltimore or NOLA? Second leg preferred!
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    While everyone's worried about "sevens", I traded another NOLA! Hurry only 2 left!
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Brooklyn 1's,Buffalo's, Charlottesville's, Baltimore's, Hartford's, NOLA's & maybe a couple I'm keeping back for the right second leg trade. If interested just All it cost's is a stamp to trade. And you can stick it to the flipper's, like the one's who bought up all those "Seven's" box sets
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Simplified Title Bump!
    Scott A. Setser
  • I don't have extras to trade but would love to buy some if any are out there! Missed out on Brooklyn, Hartford and Baltimore.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    In search of trades at the present time. When I get second leg covered, will probably sell my extra's, so stay tuned!
    Scott A. Setser
  • En La ClandestinidadEn La Clandestinidad Telford, PA by way of Kansas City, MO and Milwaukee, WI, Phoenix, AZ and East Greenbush, NY Posts: 3,650
    SS9981 wrote:
    Simplified Title Bump!

    I will be attempting to grab stickers from the shows!
    Formerly Brew Crew Tix
    “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Which show's & which will you be looking for? Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • En La ClandestinidadEn La Clandestinidad Telford, PA by way of Kansas City, MO and Milwaukee, WI, Phoenix, AZ and East Greenbush, NY Posts: 3,650
    I will be at Phoenix, SD and both LA.

    I'm looking for any honestly, but Brooklyn and Pitt are my favorites!
    Formerly Brew Crew Tix
    “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    May be interested, if other deals fall through. Will let you know. You can always p.m. me when you have your sticker's & see what I have then. Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Looking for trades. May need Oakland & Calgary, but all trades offer's welcome. Have 1 Worcester 1, 2 Worcester 2, Buffalo, 2 sets of Brooklyn's(both nights),2 Hartford's, Philly 1&2, 2 Baltimore's, 3 Charlottesville's & maybe could scare up Charlotte or a Pitt for the right trade. Looking mainly at second leg right now. P.M. me if you're interested in helping each other. Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • radarradar Posts: 778
    Scott (SS9981) thank you for great trade!
    it was great to trade with you!
    good luck with other trades
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Thank you also Marcin. It was a great trade for both of us my friend. If I can help you out with future sticker's, just let me know. Thank's again, Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Also have a red/blue Wrigley I could trade. Very interested in Dallas, Spokane, Oakland & Calgary. P.M. me. Will have some second leg extra's, if all trades come through.
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Should have extra OKC's, L.A.'s, Vancouver's, Portland's & I'm going to Seattle in December. Let's set-up some trades!
    Scott A. Setser
  • dustinparduedustinpardue Las Vegas, NV Posts: 1,829
    Anyone have a Baltimore they would trade for a Brooklyn 1? Don't want to resort to the eBay debauchery unless I have to
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Looking for solid trades for Dallas, Spokane Oakland & Calgary. Have Pitt, Baltimore, Buffalo, Charlotte, Charlottesville, B.K. 1 & 2, Worcester 2( 2 of them), Philly 1 & red/blue Wrigley. Plus should have extra's from future trades on second leg. P.M. me, help each other out. Scott
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Bump for trades
    Scott A. Setser
  • SS9981SS9981 Posts: 1,729
    Brooklyn's, Charlottesville's & Pittsburgh's, oh my!
    Scott A. Setser
  • Looking for second leg stickers, Pitt, Worcester, Nola, Charlottesville.

    Cash money offered
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