Selfies at funerals

Less than a week ago, I found an article that I was disturbed to learn that there is a new trend where people are taking selfies... at funerals. ... -pictures/ ... -pictures/
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UGH!! :nono:
I was recently at NYC and went to the World Trade Center Memorial to visit the names of people I was familiar with. Thought it was kind of odd that people were taking pictures of themselves at the memorial
I think what we fail to understand is... most of us really aren't that interested in what you are doing... every minute of your mundane life... because we are living our own mundane lives. As mundane as everyone else's lives.
Hail, Hail!!!
It's a loss of respect for others, lack of dignity and declining morals. This is how it is when anything goes and there is no such thing as wrong.
So true. It's also a sad reality that people can not be away from their stupid-ass phones! No matter where you go or what you are doing, there are always, always a bunch of morons staring into their phone and/or obsessively checking their phones for some type of update. This behavior is so friggin' ridiculous.
I guess to the every-growing list we can add another fading attribute - decorum.
Or Class?
Maybe simple decency.
And you go to a family get together and there they are staring in their phones. Why bother getting together? I'll stay at home!
:fp: Looks who's talking about respect for others and lack of dignity and declining morals. Now that's FUNNY. :roll:
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Right with you there.
But the people who are doing this, they photograph EVERYTHING - and this is the first time in the timeline (no pun intended) of the world, that it is possible. It is tacky behavior, but for folks who record everything, maybe they just can't see why it is tacky.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Anyway, now that I know what they are, it not only shows the first and foremost on the minds of these young, self-absorbed people, but they have no clue what death is, how to respect those who have passed, or even how to disengage from themselves. (and their stupid phones) These are the people I ignore and stay far from.
That said, I witnessed lots of "selfies" at the Hartford pre-party. People were seemingly more interested in taking group photos than actually socializing with the people in the photo. What does that say? That photos of ourselves with people are more important that actually being friends? And that goes back to begging celebs for photos with them because that means more than a decent conversation with them...
Originally, yes, I was thinking that, too.
I identified one source of discomfort. Taking pictures. Every person on the planet now has a camera. So it sometimes happens that up to 20 people in one day or more want me to pose with them for a picture that they can put on facebook. That’s a lot. Also I don’t like doing it. It makes me feel weird. When I’m with my kids it takes my attention from them and makes them uncomfortable (and in some cases unsafe) but pretty much 100% of people who approach me want a picture.
What I do now is this: I refuse to ever take a picture with anyone. I just say no. I don’t do that. But I shake their hand and I talk to them for a bit…I am glad to meet everyone that says hi. EVERYONE. I learn a little about a nice person several times a day. And they are kind to me. And it won’t last. So it’s great.
A ray of sunshine!
Thus the "Hide" feature.
And if I were famous, I'd do the same.
That would probably really piss the "selfies" people off!
Today... even though everyone from age 13 on up still own a camera... the difference is the camera is on our person at all times. The camera is at the ready where ever your are. At the same time, the results are instantaneous... meaning, you do not have to run the film canister down to the Costco and wait a hour or so to see what you've captured on film.
I have come to accept this as just part of, 'That's the way it is, today'. Personally, I choose to steer clear of all of that and prefer being offline most of the time. I understand... I'm not that interesting and people really don't care what I'm doing all of the time.
Others may believe that they are interesting and everyone wants to know what they are doing... but, in reality... we really don't care that much, do we. The big things, sure... we care about those. But, when you are at something like a funeral... I think it would be best to set aside your extremely interesting social life and just reflect onn the life that is no longer with us. Just for those short, few hours... in my opinion.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well said, Cosmo. When I first saw this thread I hadn't heard of the word "selfies" before. When I realized it was about cell phone cameras at funerals I felt a brief wave of nausea. When I think about the funerals I've been to I cannot even imagine- no, even more accurately- I can't even fucking imagine someone taking pictures in those solemn moments let alone taking pictures of oneself. What a sick fucking self-centered society. Now if will go puke but I promise, no photos will be posted.
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I think I might take my 12 yr olds iPod and cell phone from her for a while!
'What are you doing right now?- scratching my arse' or 'here's a picture of me pouting in the bathroom, in the living room, in the bedroom'. It's ridiculous! Who the hell cares what you had for breakfast!!! Stop posting about your life and start LIVING it instead! :roll: (rant over)
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No worries, Loulou- it's one of my major rants too. I saw a picture a friend posted of other friends and they were all gazing at their little devices. I see people (sorry, but especially young people) walking around, driving, shopping, eating in restaurants, with their nose in these things. Sometimes people will come up to the counter in the book store and drop a book in front of me and never look away from their device. Maybe I should charge double-- aniPod or cell phone rudeness surcharge?
Two black gadgets in her hands
All she thinks about
No responsibility no guilt or morals
Cloud of judgement
Smile on her face
And that's how it is.
"they post these pictures so that the rest of us can shake our heads and mutter “Kids these days!” to ourselves"
...and here we are, giving them exactly the reaction they're looking for. Like the Westboro folks, ignoring them and not giving them publicity is the best way to deal with these idiots.....and, like the Westboro folks, if you catch them in the act, the best way to deal with them is to beat the holy shit out of them. Not that I would ever condone violence.
(edit: k maybe that's a bit harsh, these are kids after don't know what I'd do if I witnessed this)
Adelaide 1998
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