I got Shit - lyrics help - TORONTO, 2nd night 10.may.2006

csaroldicsaroldi Posts: 14
edited July 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
Hello everyone, its me again, now i have a quick doubt

what eddie sings on I got shit at TORONTO, 2nd night 09.may.2006 ?!

at the part where he says we will cut this pat out of the bootleg ?

then he sings the chorus of the song, and then he change the lyrics to something like

i used to be ... and i cant get the rest... is that some alt lyrics ?!

I hear everyone singing with him at the end, it so friking awesome...

sorry for the dumb question, but i had a long time without listen to PJ, and im trying to compensate =P

if anyone could help i appreciate.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • csaroldi wrote:
    Hello everyone, its me again, now i have a quick doubt

    what eddie sings on I got shit at TORONTO, 2nd night 09.may.2006 ?!

    at the part where he says we will cut this pat out of the bootleg ?

    then he sings the chorus of the song, and then he change the lyrics to something like

    i used to be ... and i cant get the rest... is that some alt lyrics ?!

    I hear everyone singing with him at the end, it so friking awesome...

    sorry for the dumb question, but i had a long time without listen to PJ, and im trying to compensate =P

    if anyone could help i appreciate.


    I think it was after and he plays the proper chorus to the song....then goes and plays a part from Cinnamon Girl...basically telling us its the same melody.
    It was awesome!
    "Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
  • He is singing "Cinammon Girl" by Neil Young. Basically what he is talking about is how he ripped off the chords from it and placed those same chords in "I Got Shit." "I wanna live with a cinnamon girl, I could be happy the rest of my life with a cinnamon girl."

  • csaroldicsaroldi Posts: 14
    wow... hehe its really amazing. it was an awesome momment that part..heheh

    thanks alot people !!!!

    /bow to u all !
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