Loved the set guys!

slug420slug420 Posts: 316
edited October 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
I have always appreciated how PJ shows are all about the music...its not a stickman shaped stage in the middle of the arena with fire shooting up out of the floor or some huge stage where they are playing inside some component of their album art...its just the band, on the stage, with great sound, and some lights.

That being said, I LOVE what they did for this tour. I think they have been kinda doing the same thing for the last ~10 years which is cool....but the new lights they added that change in height and color and move around I think are excellent, and the bundle of sticks or whatever they had over the top of the stage that lowered and changed shape was very cool also. It had great effects on the lighting and definitely changed the feel of different songs when they lowered it down to make it a little more cozy. AND the strobes they busted out at the end were sick too.

I just wanted to give them a shout out, I definitely appreciated the innovation. Cant wait to see it again tonight....
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