fly back home

a poem song for my dad
Wait! The wind
the rain dropping
(an angel descends)
like its bringing good tidings…
Yes, good tidings…
From so far away
So far away
That place i
always knowed
wanted me there
And i wanted to
always find you
my most cherished
and beautiful
childhood drawing
.. a place so happy,
still waiting for me there
A turtle and a creek
Endlessly following you upstream
A place i know is
the only map i need
inside me and ill hold you
until they teach me to fly
And i and i know that i can fly
And i will fly so high
And i will never look down
No i will fly ever higher
So high cause ill be flying home
Its not here and i just know
That when i can fly so high
That ill be going home
song can be heard here:
Wait! The wind
the rain dropping
(an angel descends)
like its bringing good tidings…
Yes, good tidings…
From so far away
So far away
That place i
always knowed
wanted me there
And i wanted to
always find you
my most cherished
and beautiful
childhood drawing
.. a place so happy,
still waiting for me there
A turtle and a creek
Endlessly following you upstream
A place i know is
the only map i need
inside me and ill hold you
until they teach me to fly
And i and i know that i can fly
And i will fly so high
And i will never look down
No i will fly ever higher
So high cause ill be flying home
Its not here and i just know
That when i can fly so high
That ill be going home
song can be heard here: