info for charlotte, nc show

at the last minute, i need a hotel room for the night of the show. my niece was going to put let my son and i stay at her apartment, which was within walking distance of time/warner. she moved....last week :( , not alot of choices for me at this point, but is there any recommendations?? places to avoid?? that are just outside of town. any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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any hotel within walking distance to TWC Arena is considered in "Uptown" area and should be good, albeit pricey. If you're looking save some and drive/cab to TWC Arena then it could vary depending on area. not sure if that's helpful lol.. but it's all i could say not knowing how far you want to say or how much you want to spend.
I booked using expedia on my phone. If its your first time using expedia, use promo code mobile25 (it may be mobile20, I can't remember. You can find it online) for 20% off.