Fan at Wrigley

JquinnJquinn Posts: 47
edited September 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
I don't know why it took me so long to figure out I should post this here. I shared this on other social media on July19th, 2013....

I'm trying to thank someone who was unbelievably kind to me.

I went to the show at Wrigley. I drove from Baltimore, missed all merchandise tents up to the time of the show. I was really set on getting the white flag with the blue "PJ" on it for my room at home. It just looked like such a cool and unique Pearl Jam item.

Anyway, as soon as the band announced they'd be taking hiatus due to inclement weather, I ran back out to see if anything was left at any of the merchandise tents. I was in Section 138, and there was one right outside our seating section. And they still had a flag.

I waited in line for about 40 minutes, and when I got to the front, the woman working the stand informed us that the card reader was down, and that she could only accept cash. Of course, I had already spent all my cash for the day like a dope. I was bummed.

So the guy behind me in line, about 6'2", looked like late thirties, early forties, with a full head of white hair, comes up behind me and asked me what I was going to get. I said I loved that flag, but that I was out of cash. He told me he'd by it for me. After trying to explain to him that I was uncomfortable with someone buying me a $35 dollar flag, I backed down, thinking I could PayPal him money or find some way to give him something in return.

This PJ fan bought me a flag and a Wrigley sticker and refused to let me work out a deal to return the favor. It was so kind and so humbling for me, that someone would do that for a total stranger. All becasue we both love a really special band.

If anyone saw this happen, or heard this story, or knows this guy, please let me know.

As crazy and loud as PJ fans can be, I never forget that the group of people that support this band really care about each other, and making sure that each show is an unforgettable experience.

Thanks all. And thanks for being a part of something special here.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • RYMERYME Wisconsin Posts: 1,904
    I'll be your 1st reply to this.
    In 2003 at the United Center in Chicago, many 10c peoples waited outside the place all day12noon on in the hot sun hoping to get a little better seat. about 3 the line finally started to move,(we all just wanted to get the tickets so we could go to a bar for a few)(thank goodness they don't do it that way anymore) anyway and then around 4pm it started to downpour thunderstorm for about 10 minutes. Rain stops and this girl about 10 people in front of me had a white t-shirt on that became translucent. (Her friends were making a big stink about it)...Then a total stranger to her, and her group came up and literally gave her the black Binaural tour t-shirt off his back and gave to her., he said "have it, Ill get a new shirt." Those around applauded his graceful gift.
    Another example of the kind people you find at Pearl Jam concerts.
    I'm RYME Fontana, WI
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