what it looks like today

To live attached to the string of energy, right with the white light at the center is to keep good fortune
Hold it steady, focus, hang on, bounce with it,
like a rider on a horse softly yet firmly attached to the reigns
Focusing on the breath is like hanging onto the sound (for dear life!)
to stay on the path as we play
(It just keeps us with it when outside forces try to distract)
And practicing it makes it easier because the path gets worn and obvious
like a hiking trail in a national park
Hold it steady, focus, hang on, bounce with it,
like a rider on a horse softly yet firmly attached to the reigns
Focusing on the breath is like hanging onto the sound (for dear life!)
to stay on the path as we play
(It just keeps us with it when outside forces try to distract)
And practicing it makes it easier because the path gets worn and obvious
like a hiking trail in a national park