original issues of spin/others from early 90s
Hey all,
I have a large collection of original magazines, including those lovely stAples in the belly pictures of Eddie Vedder when his hair was still long and he still was wearing t-shirts from surf shop lost and found. Some are pre Ten, and the band was still Mookie Blaylock.
I also can dub the video about Mother Love Bone that introduced Andy to future fans who mourn him even as the tape plays. It includes the Stardog Champion video, that made a lot of us fall for this wild eyed sweet guy. I would teach my students in New Mexico how twelve seconds of screentime can change the lives of fans, and just a few moments of drugs can change lives and music forever.
I also have one photo of Andy taken by lance Mercer at the last mother love bone show I saw that I can Xerox as a thank you note. Some stuff has been in storage a long time, but if you are interested, all I want in return is a copy of Eddie's Uke book, or a t-shirt or two in xxl from any of Eddie's concerts. They don't even need to be in perfect shape as long as.they or it is wearable.
I still have a bass string that came flying at me at an Albuquerque show, 93 I think....from Jeff as he was playing Why Go
I do have some really old shirts I may part with as those were years I was a size small. Let's just say the girls have matured and are no longer on lemon stands.....turns out I hit puberty AFTER 40,
I will gladly send photos of the mags and pinups as well as the shirts. Just looking for stuff I can wear now I am officially entering three decades of fandom...sharing the birth year with Eddie.
I have a large collection of original magazines, including those lovely stAples in the belly pictures of Eddie Vedder when his hair was still long and he still was wearing t-shirts from surf shop lost and found. Some are pre Ten, and the band was still Mookie Blaylock.
I also can dub the video about Mother Love Bone that introduced Andy to future fans who mourn him even as the tape plays. It includes the Stardog Champion video, that made a lot of us fall for this wild eyed sweet guy. I would teach my students in New Mexico how twelve seconds of screentime can change the lives of fans, and just a few moments of drugs can change lives and music forever.
I also have one photo of Andy taken by lance Mercer at the last mother love bone show I saw that I can Xerox as a thank you note. Some stuff has been in storage a long time, but if you are interested, all I want in return is a copy of Eddie's Uke book, or a t-shirt or two in xxl from any of Eddie's concerts. They don't even need to be in perfect shape as long as.they or it is wearable.
I still have a bass string that came flying at me at an Albuquerque show, 93 I think....from Jeff as he was playing Why Go
I do have some really old shirts I may part with as those were years I was a size small. Let's just say the girls have matured and are no longer on lemon stands.....turns out I hit puberty AFTER 40,
I will gladly send photos of the mags and pinups as well as the shirts. Just looking for stuff I can wear now I am officially entering three decades of fandom...sharing the birth year with Eddie.
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
Post edited by Unknown User on
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Henry David Thoreau
Note.. the MLB stuff - some of the cassettes I can give you instead of the CDs if I have them still -no guarantee of condition on these, however.
Also, ISO- first of the three Dissident Singles. I have 2 and 3.. but the first eluded me when they were for sale. I'd be happy to trade for MP3 copies of the others. I have a great Vinyl to MP3 transfer system so if you're missing a Tenclub single, let me know, I may have it.
If you want any of the CD's, I will dupe them for you, and include copies of the liner notes/cover imagery. These were NOT items for sale and only sent to radio stations, so they are a slightly bit different from the singles/releases available via stores.
Henry David Thoreau
Guitar magazine and Livewire mag both have tabs/charts from PJ, Nirvana Magazine has charts from PJ, Nirvana, Most include bass as well.
I have 3 copies of US Rocker with Rollins on the cover, and I'll give each away separately.
I have every album on Vinyl except the last one.
I have three copies of TEN-- one is from japan and includes Dirty Frank, Another is listed as "Import" but didn't state if it was japan or Germany and has a different cover.
The third is the first edition cd, and I also have it on Cassette and Vinyle. (in fact all up until Binaural I have in Cassette as well.)
More to come.
Henry David Thoreau
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
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Henry David Thoreau
(Yes, I do straight shares for some stuff)
Cassettes are pending sale, as is the Cobain Entertainment Weekly, and MLB poster. is sold.
Still available... Eddie Vedder 2 sided poster 1992,
Landslider, Guitar magazines, Spin magazine....available.
I am going to copy my vhs of Earth Bone Love Affair for MLB fans...
The cds from my radio station for MLB stuff- I will dupe to MP3s, and copy the liner notes, art for you, but originals are not for sale, sorry.
More stuff coming in the next few weeks.
Henry David Thoreau
Again. for some-- just a poster or tshirt for the item you want.
If you are a MLB fan, I have a lot of stuff, I can copy for you... some I can go ahead and give/trade to you directly as they may not be in the best shape. Some photos are very personal to me... such as one with a lunch I had with jeff Ament, Xana-aka stargazer... Andy... and few other people (Lunch..aka munching out after a show at some joint near University area... ) I'm still deciding whether to just send these directly to his brother Kevin, but some from the shows- I have one in particular Lance Mercer did that I haven't seen anywhere else and bought directly from him lo those many years back. I"ll make copies of these for MLB/Andy fan/!0clubbers ONLY.
Duping m original VHS copy of Earth Bone Love Affair for 10clubber fans ONLY... will not sell, but will do a trade for boots (er not leather boots, just music ones.
I also just found some SXSW show home made videos and stuff from before PJ appearances, however, Melvins, and other bands..pat smear inclusive appear in them as they were taken at the 1993 annual softball games. (Yes screaming women in back ground, yes I'm one. ) I played SXSW four times, and am trying to find stuff I can get for 10clubbers that would be cool. I Do have some of the older Contact Books that include addresses and phone numbers of bands from a WHILE ago, can't guarantee contacts are stil good, but I did get in touch with Jello Biafra, Ian McKaye and others from it during the 2000s. (May include the press kit from Susan Silverman...ex of Cornell, and former Soundgarden MGR.) Most stuff is from before SXSW turned into mayhem and just before NXNW started. (It used to be cool..like band summer camp; for st patricks day.. I miss it then.)
IF there's stuff you'd just want to buy straight out, let me know. I'm very flexible on prices if you include postage, and really it's not about money with me-- it's about sharing with other fans. If you want to get ripped off by someone, go ebay, or just send me way too much money. If you're from overseas seriously- name your price, I'll probably be cool with it, as long as I can afford postage too, and it's yours.
I just want to trade and share, not steal your cash and make you feel bummed out that you couldn't get something cos it was overpriced.
the photo link is live, and public, and I'll do a bump when i've added the stuff I found today.
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau