Depends on what you want to do? The venue where the show is not the best area (college area) La Mesa which was mentioned prior 10 minutes away but not a lot to do. I would suggest Mission Valley where Hotel Circle is 15 mins away. What's the budget? Do you have a car? SD is a great city with a lot to do. You can stay downtown where their is a ton to do but it's 25 min from venue. I lived there for 9 years so I can help out.
Outside of Portland, or somewhere like that Posts: 347
I just did comic-con and stayed in the University area-- Howard Johnson's on El Cajon-- clean, nice staff, and they're right next to a lot good cheap things to eat- cafes, and even a Goodwill if you want to get some clothes. Was only $47 a night. AND, Check there are a LOT of options there.
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
Alot of us are staying here.
Henry David Thoreau