I NEED 1 10c GA Ticket for BUFFALO 10/12

McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
edited August 2013 in Lost Dogs
lost out on the lottery, seen 'em in this building 3 times (96, 03, 10), buffalo 96 was my first show at the ripe old age of 13, and i just can't bear the thought of missing my hometown show - i can offer cash, tickets (sd/la), posters, t-shirts, alcohol, ganja, sexual favors, and i am also willing to entertain any other miscellaneous offers - hope to hear from you soon...
buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
    c'mon guys, it's not gay if you don't tell anyone...
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
    ready to book my flight, would love to secure a ticket before i do so...
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
    back to the top, really wanna get my shit booked this week - c'mon friends...
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 752
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
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