Kid Rock can do what????

fear4freedomfear4freedom Posts: 920
edited August 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
If Kid Rock can do a concert tour that costs $20 for tickets, $20 posters/shirts, and $4 beers

Why cant PJ do the same and just do stadiums? Why cant they do a tour for the poor people?

Kid Rock is determining the price of beers too! That means he is pulling and pushing his influence on the venue itself
Why cant PJ do the same?
Theres no time like the present

A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!

All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • nukebootnukeboot Posts: 1,465
    If I paid $20 to see Kid Rock again, I'd still want a partial refund.
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me...
  • jamburgerjamburger Posts: 1,775 ... 85836.html

    A bit of a give and take, no? Less upfront, more on concessions?

    I'd go for the $4 beers... consider the rest a cover charge for the bar with a really shitty band.
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 9,971
    Person who screams about liberals demands concert tickets for below market value.

  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,064
    If Kid Rock can do a concert tour that costs $20 for tickets, $20 posters/shirts, and $4 beers

    Why cant PJ do the same and just do stadiums? Why cant they do a tour for the poor people?

    Kid Rock is determining the price of beers too! That means he is pulling and pushing his influence on the venue itself
    Why cant PJ do the same?

    In addition to the $20 tickets, 1,000 “platinum” tickets will also be sold for each show, with prices ranging from $60 to $350. Essentially, Kid Rock is scalping these tickets in order to make up for the cheaper prices paid by the rest of the concert goers. That’s how he explained it to the Associated Press:

    Read more: ... z2Zbl4cZuC
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • lemminglemming Posts: 31
    Kid Rock is considerate, transparent (about the 1000 more expensive tickets) and taking the risk of losing money. This is a very good read: ... s-20130410
  • KL40564KL40564 Posts: 71
    What Kid Rock is doing is amazing, and we should be talking about it here. I am 41, and have seen hundreds of rocks. Seen the Dead 23 times, Pearl Jam 7, and the Allman Brothers about 15.

    I have seen everyone in rock, and in every venue imaginable. I have gotten to see Brad, Everclear, and the Smashing Pumpkins all in records stores with about hundred people. I also was at the U2 concert in Phoenix they filmed for Rattle & Hum.

    In all that time, only 2 bands have ever done anything about ticket prices. Everyone talks a good game, and there has been some measurable progress against the scalping plague (by using will call only). Only Pearl Jam and Kid Rock have actually done something about it. PJ went to the justice department, and Kid Rock is doing this.

    What you think of Kid Rock's music is moot to the larger issue at hand. He is changing the game saying "$20 tickets".

    $10 ticket prices are what Pearl Jam was fighting for, quite specifically. I was kinda sad, then, that my last Pearl Jam show were $100 tickets for OK seats... and that was even through the fan club.

    I like Kid Rock, and I like his music. I think he is good and genuine people. I am impressed with his awesome and crazy business model that I bought to tix to his show coming up in Denver. I may not be able to go, because of work. That's ok. To me. $50 ($20 tickets with $5 service charge X2) is WAY worth the price to support this business model. I want him to be INSANELY successful on this tour, so other bands see it can be done.

    Just look at the beer prices thing he is doing. $4 a beer. Keep this in mind, at Red Rocks a couple weeks ago, Coors beers were $8. Now, Coors is only about ten miles from Red Rocks. Their cost per peer can't be more than 25 cents, and half of that is the cup.

    He is changing the business model here. These days 100% of ticket costs generally go to the band. The venue makes their money on concessions. So, what he likely did reminds me of what Peter Grant did with Zeppelin in the 70's. Back then, usually the promoter took 50% of sales, and the band got the other 50% of sales. Peter Grant demanded 80%. They balked at him. So, he said "well, you can have 20% of Led Zeppelin, or 100% of nothing". In time, everyone caved.

    Odds are when Kid Rocks' management told the venues they wanted $4 beers, they were laughed at. So, then they probably said "ok, then absolutely no beer sales" Now, $4 doesn't look so bad. Keep in mind, these venues (almost all are run by aramark) don't even pay the concessioneers. Most of them are volunteering for tips for a youth football league. Even in the football stadiums, they were for free, and for tips.

    As fans that watched Pearl Jam go through this 20 years ago, and lose, we should not be shitting on the next ape to try and climb the wall.

    So, go see Kid Rock this summer. Oh, and he has one of the great rock bands of all times opening - ZZ Top. I guarantee you will have fun. ZZ Top to me is a lot like I hear people say about Pearl Jam. I was not much of a fan, but knew a few songs of theirs from radio. I went to a show (to see another band, but they were also playing) and they KILLED. They also played 2 hours of songs and I knew every one of them. 40 years together!
  • BH38140BH38140 Posts: 10
    Well said KL40564!
  • KL40564KL40564 Posts: 71
    I got so upset with some dumbasses comment on Rolling Stone about what a 'jerk' Kid Rock was for doing this that I wrote up a nice rant on my webpage about the Pearl Jam battle and where we are today. ... the-fence/

    take care everyone!

    Denver, CO
  • smanchac1smanchac1 Posts: 2,256
    KL40564 wrote:
    What Kid Rock is doing is amazing, and we should be talking about it here. I am 41, and have seen hundreds of rocks. Seen the Dead 23 times, Pearl Jam 7, and the Allman Brothers about 15.

    I have seen everyone in rock, and in every venue imaginable. I have gotten to see Brad, Everclear, and the Smashing Pumpkins all in records stores with about hundred people. I also was at the U2 concert in Phoenix they filmed for Rattle & Hum.

    In all that time, only 2 bands have ever done anything about ticket prices. Everyone talks a good game, and there has been some measurable progress against the scalping plague (by using will call only). Only Pearl Jam and Kid Rock have actually done something about it. PJ went to the justice department, and Kid Rock is doing this.

    What you think of Kid Rock's music is moot to the larger issue at hand. He is changing the game saying "$20 tickets".

    $10 ticket prices are what Pearl Jam was fighting for, quite specifically. I was kinda sad, then, that my last Pearl Jam show were $100 tickets for OK seats... and that was even through the fan club.

    I like Kid Rock, and I like his music. I think he is good and genuine people. I am impressed with his awesome and crazy business model that I bought to tix to his show coming up in Denver. I may not be able to go, because of work. That's ok. To me. $50 ($20 tickets with $5 service charge X2) is WAY worth the price to support this business model. I want him to be INSANELY successful on this tour, so other bands see it can be done.

    Just look at the beer prices thing he is doing. $4 a beer. Keep this in mind, at Red Rocks a couple weeks ago, Coors beers were $8. Now, Coors is only about ten miles from Red Rocks. Their cost per peer can't be more than 25 cents, and half of that is the cup.

    He is changing the business model here. These days 100% of ticket costs generally go to the band. The venue makes their money on concessions. So, what he likely did reminds me of what Peter Grant did with Zeppelin in the 70's. Back then, usually the promoter took 50% of sales, and the band got the other 50% of sales. Peter Grant demanded 80%. They balked at him. So, he said "well, you can have 20% of Led Zeppelin, or 100% of nothing". In time, everyone caved.

    Odds are when Kid Rocks' management told the venues they wanted $4 beers, they were laughed at. So, then they probably said "ok, then absolutely no beer sales" Now, $4 doesn't look so bad. Keep in mind, these venues (almost all are run by aramark) don't even pay the concessioneers. Most of them are volunteering for tips for a youth football league. Even in the football stadiums, they were for free, and for tips.

    As fans that watched Pearl Jam go through this 20 years ago, and lose, we should not be shitting on the next ape to try and climb the wall.

    So, go see Kid Rock this summer. Oh, and he has one of the great rock bands of all times opening - ZZ Top. I guarantee you will have fun. ZZ Top to me is a lot like I hear people say about Pearl Jam. I was not much of a fan, but knew a few songs of theirs from radio. I went to a show (to see another band, but they were also playing) and they KILLED. They also played 2 hours of songs and I knew every one of them. 40 years together!

  • pjam2pjam2 Posts: 32
    Kid Rock amazing.., his heart and soul are in the right place, but $20.00 tickets huh.., maybe notsomuch? I just got charged $90+. a pop to see him play next month at a fairground near Tacoma/Seattle. I like KR a lot but I don't know if I would pay to see him that much $ if he was playing in our backyard.., let alone a Fair. The cheapest price level was $45. + charges, so over $50.00 basically for the grandstand seat in the back. Whatever, toot his horn all you want but PJ keeps their tickets low under $78./ticket and for being one of the top 5 bands in America still rocking it.., that my friend is a deal. I will match ticket stub to ticket stub to anyone who thinks that I am wrong. He's simply not even close to charging what PJ charges.., nor does the Kid put on "classic, endless performances" anywhere near PJ. PJ plays a 20 song main set with 2 encore sets of around 5-7 songs. So concert-master.., please, please keep drinking your Kool-Aid. Like he could pull off a show like Wrigley with no opening act is for people who keep drinking that shit!
    Jeff Goodwin
  • JBiiJBii Lake Spivey Posts: 354
    Greed gets to the best of people, even people you wouldn't expect. Kudos to Kid Rock for making his concerts affordable to struggling fans.
    That what you fear the most could meet you halfway
  • donnaruhldonnaruhl Posts: 2,157
    Sleep Train Amphitheater July 31 st.
    I'm taking my Daughter and several of her friends
    For a belated B-Day Present.I'm the D.D. ;)
  • smanchac1smanchac1 Posts: 2,256
    Not a big kid rock fan..

    But a great read and a real game changing effort he is attempting.

    Kudos to him.
  • If Kid Rock can do a concert tour that costs $20 for tickets, $20 posters/shirts, and $4 beers

    Why cant PJ do the same and just do stadiums? Why cant they do a tour for the poor people?

    Kid Rock is determining the price of beers too! That means he is pulling and pushing his influence on the venue itself
    Why cant PJ do the same?

    Kid Rock also had to do this to get people to his shows. Pearl Jam sells out most shows at $80, so I don't see any reason they would reduce the ticket price.
  • ratmandoratmando Outside of Portland, or somewhere like that Posts: 347
    KL40564 wrote:
    I got so upset with some dumbasses comment on Rolling Stone about what a 'jerk' Kid Rock was for doing this that I wrote up a nice rant on my webpage about the Pearl Jam battle and where we are today. ... the-fence/

    take care everyone!

    Denver, CO

    Well articulated...and I hope that others get the reasons too. It takes someone like me at least four months to save for a "pair" of tickets that i need to concede as a fan club member... and it also kind of bums me out that my original fan club number... a four digit one... got pushed up to a six digit one in the 200k's when I couldn't buy a year membership in the right time...then after a year of homelessness, illness, and then finally getting back into the club.. my number is now in the 476k's... only to hear that seniority means more for things like ticket sales, and other perks in a club...that is a pretty depressing thing for someone who has so actively supported a band.. (even handing out MLB flyers in the day).

    I was THERE when Stone was in congress, I was THERE when Zappa was doing the same..... our support costs us a lot of cash through the years. A lot of it. I really admire the business model honed in by Kid Rock..he will build a fan base back that maybe he lost by the costs of the shows. I KNOW it costs money to put up shows.. I've been in music and entertainment for over 4 decades. But it should be on the backs of the producers and advertisers, and not on the people who support them. Yes record companies are not what they were even 5 years ago, but MP3s are still selling. Radiohead hasn't lost fans by giving things away. T-shirts sold under $15 are a GREAT advertising tool... but twice that? I feel like a tool sometimes buying them.

    PJ is generous with the fans in SO many ways.... I hope that somehow this type of business model will take hold. It makes a lot of sense..and it WILL be the way to rebuild fan bases that might otherwise be out priced for the great music. (I'd still spend 10 hours listening to buskers if Glen Hansard was on the streets.... no one would stop me from giving him more money to play.) Is it about the money now? Really? Does any of the band have to worry about not paying bills? (Yes, stage and office crew do..and yes they need to be paid fairly, given raises, and taken care of... but we can do that by just putting fair prices ahead of over-bloating. I'd buy 4 shirts instead of 1 each show. I'd buy 3 tickets instead of 1 each show... wouldn't you?
    When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.

    Henry David Thoreau
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