George Zimmerman BREAKING NEWS

Zimmerman has officially changed his name to Ben Ghazi ensuring that mainstream media and the Obama administration will never investigate him.
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IRS scandal, Benghazi, NSA, Fast n Furious, and all other scandals and corruption added up, did not compare to the attention brought forth from the Zimmerman/Martin case! HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Its interesting how they pick and chose that ONE case that could futher polarize us AND overlook all the real issues of the day that REALLY effect us!
Interesting to see how they use and choose certain things that the media will enhance to further an agenda! WOW
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
By Christ I think you've cracked it
are the three of us in agreement ? :think: and not to mention jesse jackson's son is having legal problems of his own which I havn't heard much about......and "Obama says Trayvon Martin 'could have been me'
Um no, not at all. I am constantly amazed at the anti Obama rantings, the man is credited with all sorts of things. Such hate for the man. Many years from now, such things will be reviewed and some will be cast in a very dark light indeed
Ah it's not a one size fits all type answer.
For some it's just believing anything that fits their narrow vision of things, for others, the whole conspiracy thing gets their juices flowing, for others it's a straight up race thing, and many many more things.
Plus lets face it, the has fucked up a bit and renaged on pledges made, so is deserving of some of it. But the campaign against him is unprecedented and as I mentioned earlier will be scrutinised in years to come.
I enjoyed the news reporters at gas stations - during bush admin, to poont out how bad he was.
No one cares now.
Nightly news reporters honoring the fallen by listing their names.
No one cares now.
I admit that i voted for onama the first time - i feel for the typical rheortic. I disliked the war and the oil prices. I thought he could bring change and unite the people.
Two months into his term, i saw the same routines that bush did.
I did not think ovama would split us and put into place the junk he did.
The sooner people wake up too the fact that the President is a scapegoat for the real people to blame (Congress and the rest of the Machine, including corporations), the sooner the majority would actually be aware to the real problems. Obama is not the problem. The U.S. government is.
Some officials, like Attorney General Eric Holder, are calling for a review of all stand-your-ground laws. But those specifically backing a Florida boycott seem to be hinging their sudden distaste for the Sunshine State on the Zimmerman verdict -- which was reached by a jury of six people.
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It does seem like some of Zimmerman's most ardent supporters would be screaming that word if this "news" broke about someone they didn't like, doesn't it?
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
they must be white.
Upside down liberal driven country we live in! And we will pay a big!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
By the way, yes there are many dumb things Obama has done and are sketchy as well, but guess what? America has been like this for DECADES!! You give him shit like no other President has done similar stuff. I'm not defending him, but I know its the whole government not just him who do bullshit things. Both Republicans and Democrats are sketchy, selfish, and greedy and getting rid of Obama for another President (Rep. or Dem) will not change shit.
You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense - Present Tense
a thousand good deeds does not make up for what he did to trayvon martin.
fuck this guy.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Which media called him hispanic?
Possibly Fox News. Remember when they said a muslim man was in custody for the boston bombings only a few hours after it happened? :roll:
They are always correct when releasing information. :roll:
You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense - Present Tense
"This is for Trayvon Martin," one of the three black men told a white man as they approached him early Saturday, according to Washington Metropolitan Police Officer Anthony Clay.
The alleged robbery happened two weeks after a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman in the 2012 death of African-American teenager Trayvon Martin.
Trayvon's father: Let's turn negative energy into positive
The men kicked the adult white male as they took his iPhone and wallet, Clay said Sunday.
The man, who has not been publicly identified, suffered minor injuries and refused medical treatment, he said.
There have been no arrests, but police are investigating the incident as a hate crime, he said.
It happened in the Adams Morgan neighborhood in the northwest quadrant of the nation's capital.
I agree Brian it is more than just one man screwing things up but as it was with Bush,Reagan and even Clinton these guy's ran for election and made promices and they opened their mouth when they should have kept it shut or chosen their words more carefully and obama is no different so using the president as a scape goat is something that he brought upon himself, he ran for the job and said he would "change thing's" and going on national t.v and stateing that stuff "if I had a son he would look trayvon" was his own mistake,he should have kept his mouth shut or worded it more carefully......and I have heard his wife speak and she is a racist but that is another story.
We certainly are in need of better leaders, Godfather- that's for sure.
Make me king and I'll set things right! (I know- promises, promises!
you'd have my vote brother !