in the olden days

amandaraymondamandaraymond Posts: 2
edited July 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
I only saw the band once, in 1998 at the BI-LO center in Greenville, SC. Opening band was Mudhoney. I will never forget-we had crappy seats a few rows back to the left of the stage. watching most of the show in profile. but our section made so much noise Eddie came over to the left side and sang an entire song to us! the folks in the front were mad, but they had Stone, Jeff, & Mike at the front of the stage. it was just one song, but we could tell people were ticked. well, they should have yelled and screamed louder than ME! right after the show I moved to FL. haven't seen them since. maybe one day...but the tour for lightning bolt doesn't come anywhere near here. Theres always youtube but its not the same. and the movie Singles. I love that movie! Citizen Dick with "drummer Eddie Vedder" LOL. the movie makes me sad though because its a love story too. but all the performances and cameos rock. oh and I still wear flannel. so does my son, hes 4. the apple didn't fall far from the tree (come bite the apple, im run down. like Sodom to Gomorrah, all dead now...)
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