Your tips on how to stay cool in this freaking heat!

I'm new to summers like this, and I have to admit that my poor European body is overwhelmed with the heat in this country. I'm already slowly dying here in MI and barely leave the house during the day (thank god for AC!), but then I looked up forecasts for Chicago... Well, the 90+ temperatures are intimitading me a bit.
So, experts, would you share your best tips on how to cope with the extreme heat?
So, experts, would you share your best tips on how to cope with the extreme heat?

Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue! edited by Unknown User on
And drink plenty of coffee.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
We open the windows and put a fan in the window to bring in the cool air, then in the morning, we close the windows to hold in the cool air and shut out the warm air.
In general, I will take an old t-shirt, run it under hot water, and wring out the water, then put it on, the shirt will be warm at first, but then cool down and keep you cool for a bit.
This was the best purchase I have made: Unfortunately, most outdoor concert venues won't let me in with it. :evil:
I'm glad we don't have a lot of humidity.
- Christopher McCandless
Swimming in cool waters is perfect, but I'm talking about the Friday in Chicago ...
I will absolutely make sure not to be dehydrated. I once had the pleasure and ended up hyperventilating and feeling paralyzed and with my arms cramping up from the neck down
It doesn't really cool down here at night. Sometimes it feels like it even gets hotter after rain. It's like in the tropics. We have the ac running day and night right now, without it I would be lost. A wet tshirt sounds good to me!
And that misty mate thing looks pretty cool! I used a plant sprinkler bottle back in Germany when it was getting too hot in the office. I might bring that back :think:
shade is good too
When you take a cold shower to cool off, it lowers your body temperature, but then it has to work it's way back up, causing you to feel very warm very fast.
what about those cooling towels? has anyone ever used those?
they might have them in stock at dick's sporting goods ... 4.13337299
Thanks, and hang in there! I think a summer in Texas would be the end of me
I'm trying to spend time outside and am drinking plenty of mineral sparkly water. Medium hot showers are good too. Last Sunday at an open air show I saw a woman having a little cloth in her neck. She went to the bathroom to wet it every now and then. I might take something like that with me. I will also protect my head with a bandana or a hat or something. And yeah, sunglasses!
Shortstack, thanks for the link, I'm checking that out :thumbup:
I've used the frogger cool towel before on the golf course, works pretty good.
hmm, I never thought of that. After my morning jog, I sometimes cant stop sweating for an hour! then I take a cold shower, and I dry off and start sweating again! :fp:
I will try a warm/hot shower.
Leezestar, I bought one of these little tiny fans that blows like a hurricane. I think I got it at walmart or target a few years ago. But they are nice because they are small and you can move them around the house and put it in your face if you have to.
And I can't say it enough--stay hydrated! Keep drinking water. And don't forget your sunblock. Besides preventing skin cancer, it's very uncomfortable to be outside in the heat when you're sunburned.
In countries like Turkey or Morocco people drink sweet hot Black tea in the heat and this seems to work somehow too.
I will defo try to get one of those Frogg Togg thingies. And maybe a little hand ventilator
and where is cav when you need him.
Thank you all! All of this helps me immensely easing my mind :thumbup:
you're welcome
i'm able to tolerate the heat much longer when i wear my straw hat out in the garden. not sure if that's the look you're going for, but they have some really pretty ones out in the stores now.
That's what Rick said.
I already have a straw hat! Will pack it!
light meals
alcohol & soda pops are freezing but they dehydrate you & they don't quench your thirst
trees were made to give oxygen & shade
i love me big ass shade trees. wonderful invention those things
do your yardwork in the mornings & the evenings
humidity bites balls
you could always join a road construction crew & start running a shovel & jack hammer. it's only 100% humidity at 99 degrees or better. toughens ya up a bit. come to iowa & detassel corn awhile.
when i was younger & worked out in the iowa heat i drank probably 2-3 gallons (or more) of water everyday. a nice case of poison ivy is awesome on sunburnt arms :crazy:
good luck
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
That's how I'm spending my days atm
stay hydrated.
It's hard to stay cool all the time.
I like the ice cream part... :thumbup: