EPIC 35th Birthday week with PJ

I am pretty excited fellow PJ crazies - the week of my 35th Birthday I get to have a full week highlighted by the end of the PJ show:
11/29/2013 Portland, OR Reserved Seating Lifetime PJ show #10
12/01/2013 Running Seattle Marathon - 1st time at that distance
12/03/2013 Turn 35!
12/04/2013 Vancouver, BC Reserved Seats Lifetime PJ show #11
12/06/2013 Seattle, WA Reserved Seats Lifetime PJ show #12
What a week with Epic PJ Shows!
11/29/2013 Portland, OR Reserved Seating Lifetime PJ show #10
12/01/2013 Running Seattle Marathon - 1st time at that distance
12/03/2013 Turn 35!
12/04/2013 Vancouver, BC Reserved Seats Lifetime PJ show #11
12/06/2013 Seattle, WA Reserved Seats Lifetime PJ show #12
What a week with Epic PJ Shows!