Fan Club TIcket Drawing - accounthig for the probabilities?

CF276021CF276021 Posts: 1
edited July 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
I am very curious to find out how other fans are making the decision of what to rank as #1 for the ticket drawing - the GA or seated tickets for each show. Pros & Cons:

1. GA as first choice - less tickets (and I assume) more people ranking the choice #1 ... always a long shot
2. Seated as first choice - more tickets, and (I assume) still a lot of people ranking as #1 ... maybe a better shot, but then no chance of getting GA

But the million dollar question is, who enters a drawing with a seat as the #1 choice, when for the same price, you maybe can get a GA seat?

That's what this post is about -how much does statistics influence your picks?
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