Need 1 ticket for Wrigley 7/19

AA295481AA295481 Posts: 111
edited July 2013 in Given To Fly (live)
Help a fellow 10 club member! Just want one ticket to Friday's show at Wrigley Field. First Saw PJ at Summerfest in 1995, somebody at the show sold me a ticket at cost, thought that was incredibly nice of him, bought an extra ticket for all shows in Chicagoland since; 1998 Yield tour at Alpine Valley, 2000 at Alpine ( a freakishly 20 degree show at Alpine) 2003 at united Center, 2006 at United Center, and 2009 at United Center. Each time, I returned the favor and sold my extra ticket at cost (no profit ever). this one sold out fast, EBay and Craigslist are full of people selling tickets at a premium ( which I refuse to do) but want to see the show. If you have an extra to sell at cost, I can return the favor for a show on Sale this Saturday by just entering my name for presale ticket and sell it at cost to you.

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