Lloyd Cole

curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,008
edited July 2013 in Other Music
I did a search, and there is no thread on here for Lloyd Cole -- which is a crying shame. In fact, of all the posts referencing Mr. Cole, all but one were made by me.

Lloyd Cole has a new album, "Standards," and it is gathering rave reviews. Many old friends, including Matthew Sweet, play on the album. I found that the album drew me in at first listen. It is available in Europe; in the US it is available through Lloyd's website. I honestly cannot remember if we are allowed to post links here or not, so I will apologize in advance. Anyone interested in more info or having a listen can check here: http://www.lloydcole.com/music/standards/main.html
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