what's with these 80's straight to VHS movies!? ... :ugeek:
They may be a little obscure to a Canadian, but a lot of them were on HBO (back before they got all fancy with their original programming and they still showed all kinds of bullshit) every damn day in the 80's and 90's and so might be a little less obscure to us. That's how shit movies like "Troll 2" developed giant cult followings. It wasn't because somebody happened across the VHS and word of mouth spread, it was on HBO all the time.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
what's with these 80's straight to VHS movies!? ... :ugeek:
They may be a little obscure to a Canadian, but a lot of them were on HBO (back before they got all fancy with their original programming and they still showed all kinds of bullshit) every damn day in the 80's and 90's and so might be a little less obscure to us. That's how shit movies like "Troll 2" developed giant cult followings. It wasn't because somebody happened across the VHS and word of mouth spread, it was on HBO all the time.
what's with these 80's straight to VHS movies!? ... :ugeek:
They may be a little obscure to a Canadian, but a lot of them were on HBO (back before they got all fancy with their original programming and they still showed all kinds of bullshit) every damn day in the 80's and 90's and so might be a little less obscure to us. That's how shit movies like "Troll 2" developed giant cult followings. It wasn't because somebody happened across the VHS and word of mouth spread, it was on HBO all the time.
Now I see why you guys have me at such a disadvantage. I didn't have HBO in the 80s and 90s. In fact, I still don't have it. I'm cheap!
Here I've been trying to post all these respected classic films . . . :ugeek: :P
Somehow this reminds me of those stupid Capital One commercials with the vikings using credit cards.
Reminds me of that scene in The Princess Bride where Westley and Inigo are fencing and they both swing on and jump off a "vine" that is clearly a gymnastics bar covered in fake moss.
hint: it involves the skill of gymnastics and the kill of karate. :geek:
also,youtube "pommel horse fight" for two minutes of great unintentional comedy
Ah, found it. I won't guess it because I've never even heard of this one. Nor have I heard of the "star". I had a hunch that was Marc Singer, kind of looks like him and he was in more crap than corn in the 80's and 90's. But I guess he was busy filming Battle Of The Network Stars that day or something.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Ffolkes. Surely I'm the only person ever to see that movie.
Well, I have too. I didn't just pick the picture at random. The actual UK title is North Sea Hijack, but it was changed to Ffolkes for the international release.
I just saw it not long ago actually. Rented it off Netflix because I thought a movie with Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins sounded interesting, and it was. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and Roger was hilarious. Anthony was a really good villain too.
This new clue looks familiar but I'm blanking. Not enough coffee to access the movie portion of my brain yet.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
Ffolkes. Surely I'm the only person ever to see that movie.
Well, I have too. I didn't just pick the picture at random. The actual UK title is North Sea Hijack, but it was changed to Ffolkes for the international release.
I just saw it not long ago actually. Rented it off Netflix because I thought a movie with Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins sounded interesting, and it was. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and Roger was hilarious. Anthony was a really good villain too.
This new clue looks familiar but I'm blanking. Not enough coffee to access the movie portion of my brain yet.
Yeah, Roger Moore doing needlepoint and loving cats was a switch. I remembered the other title because it's similar to my maiden name, which I never expected to see in a movie.
Ffolkes. Surely I'm the only person ever to see that movie.
Well, I have too. I didn't just pick the picture at random. The actual UK title is North Sea Hijack, but it was changed to Ffolkes for the international release.
I just saw it not long ago actually. Rented it off Netflix because I thought a movie with Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins sounded interesting, and it was. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and Roger was hilarious. Anthony was a really good villain too.
This new clue looks familiar but I'm blanking. Not enough coffee to access the movie portion of my brain yet.
Yeah, Roger Moore doing needlepoint and loving cats was a switch. I remembered the other title because it's similar to my maiden name, which I never expected to see in a movie.
That's the title I know it as too, but I threw that out there in case a British person was reading the thread and confused over why we were calling it Ffolkes.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
I was totally going to use that one after Howie Mandel was brought up earlier. Another one of those shitty movies that was on HBO every day. Damn I miss those days
The world famous pommel horse defense :P ....
They may be a little obscure to a Canadian, but a lot of them were on HBO (back before they got all fancy with their original programming and they still showed all kinds of bullshit) every damn day in the 80's and 90's and so might be a little less obscure to us. That's how shit movies like "Troll 2" developed giant cult followings. It wasn't because somebody happened across the VHS and word of mouth spread, it was on HBO all the time.
ahhhhhh ...
Personally i remember 80's movies more vividly than anything since.
In unrelated news, The 80's were also the last time i was sober.
Here I've been trying to post all these respected classic films . . . :ugeek: :P
Reminds me of that scene in The Princess Bride where Westley and Inigo are fencing and they both swing on and jump off a "vine" that is clearly a gymnastics bar covered in fake moss.
Are you saying Freejack isn't a respected classic film? Somewhere Sir Michael Jagger just shed a tear.
also,youtube "pommel horse fight" for two minutes of great unintentional comedy
Ah, found it. I won't guess it because I've never even heard of this one. Nor have I heard of the "star". I had a hunch that was Marc Singer, kind of looks like him and he was in more crap than corn in the 80's and 90's. But I guess he was busy filming Battle Of The Network Stars that day or something.
You're on thin ice sister.
Mick's "You're on thin ice....shidoobee" face
I am so going to miss this thread when I go back to work.
Out of curiosity has anybody out there ever seen "A Man Called Sarge"? I loved this movie but i think i'm the only person to have ever seen it.
Never heard of it, but it looks fantastic.
It's a low budget airplane/ naked gun type of movie. over all it's crap but there's a few scenes that are
And the legendary fight scene link ...
And now the new hint ...
Another one of those daily HBO movies
Big Top Pee Wee - with Benicio del Toro as the Dog Faced Boy
Well, I have too. I didn't just pick the picture at random.
I just saw it not long ago actually. Rented it off Netflix because I thought a movie with Roger Moore and Anthony Perkins sounded interesting, and it was. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and Roger was hilarious. Anthony was a really good villain too.
This new clue looks familiar but I'm blanking. Not enough coffee to access the movie portion of my brain yet.
That's the title I know it as too, but I threw that out there in case a British person was reading the thread and confused over why we were calling it Ffolkes.
Man, I take a day away from the forum and Gymkata and Howie Mandel discussions happen.
Here's one that was always on cable, too.
I was totally going to use that one after Howie Mandel was brought up earlier. Another one of those shitty movies that was on HBO every day. Damn I miss those days
Remember this?
Speaking of which...