[Football] NCAA vs. NFL

which would you prefer to watch if you could only watch one?
i gotta go with NCAA....so much more entertaining....and now that we finally have a "playoff"
i gotta go with NCAA....so much more entertaining....and now that we finally have a "playoff"
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5/9/2010 - Cleveland, OH
9/11/2011 - Toronto, ONT
9/12/2011 - Toronto, ONT
7/19/2013 - Wrigley Field
10/11/2013 - Pittsburgh, PA
10/12/2013 - Buffalo, NY
and this
I do find NCAA games far more fun and competitive. Buncha kids going out there every Saturday giving all they got for no pay (unless you play for OSU
Better fans and a better live experience too!
Go Hawkeyes!
Can't wait for football season!!!!
Random game? NFL.
Not just for football, but basketball too
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
love the history and the traditions
Of my innocence... got back my inner sense...
watching live, NCAA hands down.
Much more excitement, less total assbags in the stands.
For NFL, give me my flat screen. (And I went to the Super Bowl last year -- it was a cool experience but it is better on TV.)
Live college football wins hands-down. You have tradition and marching bands instead of that Black Sabbath / Rap mish-mash song that is played before every kick-off at every NFL game.
College football is entertaining and more enjoyable to see live, but to choose 1 it's the NFL.
College is a farce with the polls, the "playoff", the hype. ESPN killed it
This place is dead
"Kfsbho&$thncds" - F Me In the Brain - circa 2015
i think a lot of it has to do with where you are born...and raised. the state of IL hasn't produced a top flight college team since the 50's.
The NCAA is such a joke. All the BCS nonsense and now this "playoff" that they have. It's hard to take college football seriously when they don't have a real postseason.
Agree on NCAA as an organization, they are a huge joke.
If you go to a game in a crazy environment it is so much more enjoyable than an NFL game in a crazy environment. Apples & oranges. (imo)
We'll see whether the NCAA is a joke in about 5 minutes when they give University of Oregon actual punishment or just a wet noodle lashing.
Isn't that just about the same for NCAA? People are generally fans based on georgraphy or they went to the school. That's not much different to me.
NCAA shows again what a joke organization it is. Oregon gets a weak slap on the wrist. 1 scholarship a year? Wah.
I guess if you are USC or Ohio State and the NCAA dislikes your leadership that you get kicked in the sack.
Now to see what they end up doing to Miami....
I still say NCAA over NFL overall but on days like today I am 'all in' on the NFL's system vs. the NCAA system.
Also, NCAA Fantasy Football is not nearly as much fun as NFL football.
NCAA gambling? More fun just because of the crazy options with number of games and silly opponents.
No Goodell ruining the sport
Nowhere near as many commercials during broadcasts
More games to choose to watch
Easier to bet on (more games, looser lines, etc)
I am disappointed that cfb is implementing a playoff. Now every game is a playoff game...one loss can ruin a team's title chances. I think having a playoff is going to cause more problems than it solves...especially in terms of who qualifies. Even so, cfb is a much better product than the overrated nfl
might be the best thing....
sat afternoon....find 5, 6, 7 or more games on....find the one you really want to watch..and flip between the others during commercials....you game sucks...pick anouther game to watch.
and it's nice that abc/espn try's to get a good prime time game every week.
also, the announcers are wayyy better in cfb. nothing beats musberger/herbstreit (michaels and collinsworth are great as well, but I'll take the college guys). sean mcdonough and speilman are also fantastic. brad nessler...etc, etc, etc.
the nfl sucks. if it wasn't for my degen gambling habit I wouldn't even watch that garbage. bunch of criminals in pads
and the ncaa and the nfl as organizing bodies suck ass
how can you not get excited for an appalation state upset of a michigan...
agreed..both organizations need a major enima
I agree with you on how sweet the NCAA is but the people who are criminals in the NFL all are criminals in the NCAA first.
The fans are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY hotter for the NCAA too.
Far fewer fat 40 year old dudes painted the Buffalo colors and many more shapely adorable co-eds.
Google Buffalo Bills fans and then google Girls of the SEC. Wowza!
Live is best!
I watch both
Great point. Tough to top drunken co-eds
I think with college the connection felt to the team is different. The fan went to school there, or worked there, or a relative went there. People feel a loyalty to the team because the team represents a significant part of their past experience and/or who they are. With NFL, the personal connection relates directly to just the game itself. (speaking in generalizations here)