sleepless napping house

sleepless napping house dreams dared me to balance life, love, liberty, libations
livelihood licking at my toes
ocean-side down the craigy steps all fore-warned of the riptide danger imminent, slow, crawling, crab-dancing
lizard strikes a pose, lets me linger pensive
his scaley skin is a lie to my eye
I want to touch him, to prove my eye is correct
he looks soft, smooth
colour variegates his skin, not scales
diamonds dot his spine
leaping lizard shocks at his show of talent for flying and hiding well
camoflauged into the abyss
the ocean at sea level shows me the curvature of the earth
i mistake its swell for an incoming wave that never breaks
so different from the property proper
the mingling of creek and ocean so rare it makes me giggle
i close my eyes a few times just so i can open them to the same scene and know
it is really there, here, right now.
giggle anew
undefinable happiness
pure joy at the endless possibilities of life seething, sweating calm
continuous unending tidal pulls, pools, no stranger only the strange
unseen, unheard, highly appreciated nuances of melody
in waves, warbles, wispy leaves still tethered to the tree
livelihood licking at my toes
ocean-side down the craigy steps all fore-warned of the riptide danger imminent, slow, crawling, crab-dancing
lizard strikes a pose, lets me linger pensive
his scaley skin is a lie to my eye
I want to touch him, to prove my eye is correct
he looks soft, smooth
colour variegates his skin, not scales
diamonds dot his spine
leaping lizard shocks at his show of talent for flying and hiding well
camoflauged into the abyss
the ocean at sea level shows me the curvature of the earth
i mistake its swell for an incoming wave that never breaks
so different from the property proper
the mingling of creek and ocean so rare it makes me giggle
i close my eyes a few times just so i can open them to the same scene and know
it is really there, here, right now.
giggle anew
undefinable happiness
pure joy at the endless possibilities of life seething, sweating calm
continuous unending tidal pulls, pools, no stranger only the strange
unseen, unheard, highly appreciated nuances of melody
in waves, warbles, wispy leaves still tethered to the tree