Amp advice

Today is my Birthday, so i treated myself to a Gibson gold top and Fender std tele, and now im looking for a new amp,need to be able to gig with,any recommendations???, i have a marshall avt50 but it started braking down alot so decided to get a newey.
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Will give u the best of both worlds. Prolly closest thing to an all sounds in one tube amp these days, with a bunch of 12ax7s and a pair of 6l6s.
I don't own one, but I wish I did.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I would say your choices are: try to track down an old Egnater TOL amp, or get a line 6 amp (hate saying that), or give up on making your Tele too happy, and maybe get something like a Jet City amp.
I would rather have a screaming Gibson rigged properly and forgo my cheaper twangy Tele's needs, than be in the reverse position of having a twangy tele rigged right and be stuck with my $1000+ Gibson sounding ridiculous through a fender-geared amp.
I guess it's hard not really knowing what you are looking for. The tele thrives on clean tones, maybe some reverb, and brightness. The Gibson is meant to crunch and scream it out. There are not many amps that satisfy both those needs well, and certainly not at the price you are looking for. A modeling amp may be your only real good choice at this point.
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I really like the Marshall avt's, the Gibson and the tele i already have sound awesome through it, but cant track one down,don't think they make them no more.
Any of the line 6 spider or Marshall carbon series any good?
A Line 6 Spider would probably give you the flexibility to get the most out of both guitars as well. There's no real substitute for a real tube [valve] amp, but the Line 6 stuff comes closest IMO.
I think the point that DriftingByTheStorm was making (and it was a good point) is that you are currently guitar-rich and amp-poor. It's not that you have too many guitars, but rather the quality of your guitars outstrips the quality of your amp. And when you are talking about a signal chain of any sort, you are only as strong as your weakest link. That is to say, your expensive guitars won't sound any better than your cheap amp will let them. As I've said many times around these parts (and others have said it too), you can't expect expensive gear to shine if one of the major components is a piece of crap. You can't get a super-nice guitar and play through a crappy amp and expect great results; the most common one is someone gets a fancy, expensive amp head and then plays through a really bad speaker cabinet and can't figure out why the amp sounds bad. If you have a nice guitar and a nice amp with a nice speaker, but use a Zoom multi-FX unit, your rig will sound like a Zoom multi-FX unit. So, the take-away is to have all your gear optimally around the same level of quality to achieve the best sound.
I will throw in my last two cents and say that i had a Fender HRD for a while ... as my first "real" amp ... and i HATED it. I'm not saying you will hate it too, but as a guy who has been a longtime Gibson & Marshall dork (i mean i grew up thinking Page and Slash were the shit, and add to that Stone's goldtop and I was bound to be a Gibson dork) ... at the time i had an Epi Les Paul and an old SG Pro (so a pair of humbuckers on one, and a pair of P90s on the other) and I could not dial in SHIT for sounds that were anything close to aforementioned 'rock gods'. The amp just doesn't scream. The distortion channel is "okay" and will get you something close to a gritty southern rock sound ... but it was always too bright, to clear, and too ... well, just "wimpy" en the drive department to do me any good.
I also found it was a real bitch about what drive \ distortion pedals it would take. If you have a Big Muff you can fucking forget about it, and with some of my better (and later acquired) pedals it wasn't much better.
Long story short: if you are thinking about picking up an HRD, take your guitar down to your music center and try one out first. (idiot advice for buying ANY amp, really) ... just sayin'.
ONE MORE 10cent Comment:
You MAY want to think about saying fuck it to buying a $$$ amp right now ... get yourself something like a Fender Mustang or Roland Cube amp for $99 ... save your other $500 ... wait till you have a cool grand (or find a sweet deal on the interwebs USED) and then pull the trigger on a "new" amp.
I will say personally, these days, there isn't much on the NEW market that excites me at all really (well sure there are some fucking sweet boutique amps, but i will probably NEVER have the $2000-$3000 those require) ... and i would INFINITELY rather sit around with a shitty practice amp and wait for a sweet deal on a nice old used amp of some sort to pop up. I think most of the modern production amps are pretty damn generic, and older amps (that would probably be considered "boutique" these days) can be had on the used market, often times cheaper than a 10x worse new amp.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sound City 120 - £479 -- like a poor mans Hi-Watt. Probably not gonna do a great service to your Tele, but your gibson will love it! Probably no worse than a lot of non Fender modern amps for your Tele, though.
Hayden Peacemaker 60W Head and matching 4x12 cab -- £399 -- not too familiar, but would probably be fukin' awesome.
Trace Elliot C50 Speed Twin Guitar Amplifier 50W - £415.00
Selmer Treble 'n' Bass 50 Vintage 1960s Amp Cab -- will probably go for a pretty penny good lord, and will need a Dist pedal to get your gibson "there", but good sweet lord, how nice!
That kind of shit is why i would probably NEVER buy a NEW amp again.
For fucks sake. How cool? (well i mean, the Egnater is fairly new production, but still, it's a fucking Egnater, and definitely will get you good for your Tele and your LP. Shit, that is practically Egnater's whole deal -- almost all his amps are "two fers". love 'em)
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Shame its 500 mile away and wont post to were i live.
Think im going to go with a bigger valvestate,love the sound i get from them.
yeah dude!
i fucking fate\chanced my way in to an OLD Egnater "Tone of Life" almost 15 years ago when I was in my early 20's. I had no idea what it was. I just saw it on Ebay for pretty cheap (about the price you paid) and it said it was a Marshall Plexi and Fender Bassman clone 100watt (with attenuator) amp. Had no idea who B.E was at the time, but am SO fucking glad I bought that thing, based on specs alone. Too boot the one i have is some sort of super rare job hand wired by Bruce personally, intended for the Japanese market. Its not a Rocktron, just an Egnater, but from long ago (like the mid-late 80's, apparently).
Anyway, so glad you pulled the trigger on a Tweaker. Sure you'll fucking have a goddamn blast playing on it.
Should put almost any production amp from Marshall or Fender to shame.
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