Expiration Dates

Technically, some foods are still edible after the date. Do you follow them? Or do you go by the 'Look and Smell' test?
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
- Christopher McCandless
- Christopher McCandless
Post edited by Unknown User on
i won't eat anything past code.
for the next 8 hours, all i heard was, i ate mold....i ate mold.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
I hope the nameless person doesn't eat blue cheese, or mushrooms...
like? Like I have a canister of Lipton tea that expired 2 years ago...there is no mold since it's dried leaves...would you use it or toss it?
- Christopher McCandless
Dairy, real perishibles, no.
Condiments like catsup, mustard, etc, probably (within reason)
Things in a jar like jalapenos, pickles would be fine too.
It's probably the cheapest thing I do.
yeah, I was watching some 'investigative report' and grocery stores aren't required to 'rotate stock', they have a right to sell expired food, there aren't any laws against it.
- Christopher McCandless
Damn those grocery stores I guess.
I cannot eat lemon yogurt anymore because I once had an expired one. The mould looked so disgusting that it is forever engrained in my brain. So yeah, I do go by smell and looks, but I am very critical. No mold. No stinky sea stuff. Pickles and tea are fine.
I once watched a documentary about a big chain supermarket in Japan (can't remember names) that every two hours has its personnel throw food products away because - according to them - of the expiration date.
Good examples:
Almost anything in a can that was put there this century
My dad (sorry, couldn't resist, I used to tell him he outlived his expiration date when he made it more than a year past the doctor's estimate)
Bad examples:
A number of things that have made me retch when I looked closely at them and then sniffed.
(Milk being the primary)
I'm paranoid about milk. After pouring a glass and taking a big gulp - only to realize it had gone bad. And yeah, it was past the expiration date.
I watched my brother one time pour a bunch of expired milk onto his cereal and get the spoon to his mouth before he smelled it. Looked like cottage cheese. I laughed so hard I cried.
(We were teenagers, I would tell him not to eat it now.
i'd still let him eat it.
I once bought a pizza from a grocery store took it off the cardboard bottom to place in the oven and the whole bottom was covered in mold.
Chips and pretzels etc. last way past the expiration date listed.
want to be enlightened"
Tea should be fine. neverheard of a canister of lipton tho i'm assuming loose tea? i'd say make a cup to test it. two years seems like a stretch but i KNOW i've got teabags that are over 3 years old in the kitchen... there's no expiration date on the box, i still use them and they're fine.
But yeah, expired dairy is dumped a few days after I buy it...except for quality cheese!
Well, maybe!