Lukin uke tab?

Can anyone help me out here? I want nothing more in my life than to jam out to some lukin on my uke but I know nothing about taking music from guitar to uke and I can't find anything online. Thanks in advance.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Somewhere over the rainbow" and that Jason Mraz song "I'm yours" You know the basic chords already.
I think you need to pm TheGhost. It seems that person has been working on the tabs for awhile.
He/she posted the other day. ... -tabs.html
It hasn't been written yet. I can't play strings to save my life. I sorta get the conversion. It's a difficult song.
TheGhost said to think of the acoustic slow Lukin.
The Ghost is friendly but I doubt they will ever read this if you don't seek Him/Her.
(I'm sorry I have insomnia again... I read some more posts.