
I could compile a list of details
exotic words and items
I could toss on the wind some colors and veils
or, maybe some hail and snow balls for an elegant chill
maybe a silk kite tail or some hand-carved arrows from cupid
perhaps a few chords?
plus some cymbal crashes or glissandos in black and white
those are always delightful aren't they?
even if slightly Liberace champagned
but it'd be all noise
and smoke
sweet incense and hued powder
sparks to distract us but
somehow you don't understand
how I feel so like I woke up one day
wiped my eyes to see
in a new place,
more people (of course)
and older suddenly, like Rip van
to see that I've changed since we
I've lost some of me
and I need to find more so I
don't disappear entirely
somehow I gave away too much
not that I wouldn't give again
you know I want you to move here!
it's just…
I am trying to recover a bit
of what I dropped
on the way to where ever it was
that we were going…
was it really nowhere?
isn't it on a map?
and I don't want any leather boots!!
exotic words and items
I could toss on the wind some colors and veils
or, maybe some hail and snow balls for an elegant chill
maybe a silk kite tail or some hand-carved arrows from cupid
perhaps a few chords?
plus some cymbal crashes or glissandos in black and white
those are always delightful aren't they?
even if slightly Liberace champagned
but it'd be all noise
and smoke
sweet incense and hued powder
sparks to distract us but
somehow you don't understand
how I feel so like I woke up one day
wiped my eyes to see
in a new place,
more people (of course)
and older suddenly, like Rip van
to see that I've changed since we
I've lost some of me
and I need to find more so I
don't disappear entirely
somehow I gave away too much
not that I wouldn't give again
you know I want you to move here!
it's just…
I am trying to recover a bit
of what I dropped
on the way to where ever it was
that we were going…
was it really nowhere?
isn't it on a map?
and I don't want any leather boots!!