judge not

judge not and yet i do
in the intense soul-searching since eric died, my next project is this
to not judge
i judge those that think they have the right to judge others
looking down at those who look down at others
calling snobs douche-bags
i ridicule people for being stupid when they have no control of their intelligence
ignorance doesn't choose to be ignorant any more than genius chooses to be so
so in the ongoing quest for self-soul-improvement
stop judging and criticizing and calling people stupid
(not poetic and too tame for the train
so . . .here
tell me how to live)
in the intense soul-searching since eric died, my next project is this
to not judge
i judge those that think they have the right to judge others
looking down at those who look down at others
calling snobs douche-bags
i ridicule people for being stupid when they have no control of their intelligence
ignorance doesn't choose to be ignorant any more than genius chooses to be so
so in the ongoing quest for self-soul-improvement
stop judging and criticizing and calling people stupid
(not poetic and too tame for the train
so . . .here
tell me how to live)
fuck 'em if they can't take a joke
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Post edited by Unknown User on
one could read a book to enhance their intelligence
same with ignorant people-ignorant is basically not willing to be open to new or different things.
one chooses to be ignorant. "Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand"
but other than that, good for you to decide to not judge.
I need to work on being patient with idiot drivers.
- Christopher McCandless
i guess i mean unintelligent people
e had a horrible case of road rage while i am fairly patient
he had a teddy bear from his niece hanging on his rvm while i had a cut-out of a hand giving the finger
we need a finger-giving smilie
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
sound approach
i realize i will never attain a pure soul but i am trying to (en)lighten it a little
(and maybe not be so hypocritical
if you hate something don't you do it too)
next is 10000 for you
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Two entirely different ballgames to me. Hope for the former, not so much for the latter
And yeah, as polaris said...human nature. We all do it - HAVE to do it.
Whether it's done with malice or not is something else.
Good and healthy to take a look at ourselves once in awhile though.
As to (un)intelligence? Sort of like ignorance...I won't fault someone lacking knowledge or smarts if they're looking to embrace it...though I really REALLY get the road rage thing.
fuck idiot drivers
choice or desire, they just don't get it.
cause that person hasn't had the same learning experience and the same revelations
so they can understand.
I can tell you mysticweed I understand your pain but what it is...
I want to understand.
I do not think it is human nature to judge negatively.
And that is the key to judging. If we give our hearts and see the good not so much the bad
then let the world know, it is not judging it is understanding.
Thanks for your words, your thoughts ... thanks for you.
PS... I get ticked at those who pretend to be loving and in the next breath
are laughing at someone for their beliefs, what state they live in, or how they vote.
That is really frustrating for me...
I want them to try a little tenderness honestly. None of those things matter.
I feel it's natural to try to make sense of the outside surroundings and social interactions. I believe that if a person approaches other people with a loving attitude, it is not negative to weigh situations and others as they relate to situations.
"Judgement" becomes negative when the approach is unloving and negative. At least, that's how I feel about it. :geek:
good luck on your journey of being a better person ... just remember that the only person you truly have to answer to in this world is yourself ...