Life can change in an instant.

Guy I work with goes out Saturday night, gets tanked, and ends up with a DUI. This guy drives a semi for a living, this guy has a wife, kids, a mortgage payment, etc. He has lost his license, it will cost close to $10,000 in attorneys fees. If our company doesnt find something else for him to do(work on the dock loading trucks), he is FUCKED! Even if he gets his license back in a year, no other trucking company will hire him for at least 2-3 years.
One real stupid decison, just changed this guys life FOREVER!
One real stupid decison, just changed this guys life FOREVER!
Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
I hope he can find a new job or get a different position in your company so he can still work somehow.
Can you IMAGINE that phone call to his wife Saturday night from jail? I wouldnt have called Kathy, I would have just stayed in jail.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Plan ahead ... take a cab, public transit or whatever ... leave your car if your going out.
and yes thankfully no one got hurt ...
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
To bad he didn't call his wife before he left the bar.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Have the wife pick you up. A cab, a friend, anything!!
a driver i used to work with died drunk on the road (in his own vehicle)
i mean i feel for him but someone that drinks should be in another line of work
as you said
he is super-fucked and will be for a long time
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
I havw a good friend who was a drunk and was involved in an accident when he was under the influence. Thankfully no one was killed but the cost to him personally and financially was huge. He couldn't drive for about 2 years, took the bus to work, and even when he got his license back he had to have one of those breathalyzers on his vehicle.
He also had to attend court-ordered AA meetings. The whole experience was very humbling but he got sober, gained a lot of insight, and got his life in order. He kept his family together and later got a great promotion at his job.
For his family's sake, I hope your co-worker can get his act together.
He isn't dead and he didn't kill anyone.
something about doors closing and opening
She got hauled off to tent city and will be spending some serious time in jail for the months to come! :fp:
Oh, they also found a number of "prescription" and illegal drugs in her system too. Dumb!
Pills and booze are a bad combo, especially when driving. Sounds like she needs help. Maybe the courts will give it to her.
want to be enlightened"
jfc a 35?
is that even on the chart
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
My old mans friend was my lawyer and only had to pay about 250$ -500$ in fees and couldn't drive for 3 months
Was a dumb kid back then. Lesson was learned
I know 2 little girls who got hit by a drunk driver, there stepmom DIED.
1 of them had to have her skull removed because her brain was swelling, she had all her teeth knocked out
It's was a miracle she didn't die. She spent 6 months in rehab, leArning to walk and talk again.
She is finally home, but this 8 year old girl will spend the rest of her life recovering
Because of a drunk driver
I say lock all them mother fuckers up, they get what they deserve
I know lots of people who got a DUI-a few who had to have the ignition lock on their car, one who has 2 on his record, not sure about what the details are for the first 2, but he will go to jail for a long long time if he gets another one.
Guess I shouldn't mind always being the DD, sucks always having to drive everybody around, but as long as I keep everybody alive, it's all good.
- Christopher McCandless
Sounds like dude f'ed up.. If it's his first time, I don't think it the outcome should be so harsh, meaning I dont agree with the outcome that is waiting for him.. I get that these laws are in place for a very good reason, but if nobody was hurt and it was his first time, I dont think it should fuck his life.. my opinion..
Abrn Hlls '98 - Clarkston 2 '03 - Grd Rpds '06 - Abrn Hlls '06 - Clvd '10 - PJ20 - Berlin 1+2 '12 - Wrigley '13 - Pitt '13- buff '13- Philly 1+2 '13 - Seattle '13
1/3 or your circulating fluid being ethanol? Seems normal to me.
I got a DUI in 2003, with a reading of only.081. Lost my license..did all the requiremwents..went to Jail for three months, ( which sucked cause mny parents came nout nto Joplin to visit us.. lo and behold.. they had to come visit me in dad STILL gives me shit over that..)for my FIRST and last offense..meanwhile..I know this chick out there (Joplin) whose got ten DUIs!!! she's wrecked more cars in the twelve years I've known her thN i HYAVE OWNED IN MY LIFETIME!!! Her dad just keeps getting her new cars.. One day I told her, her dad must hate her..when she asked why.. I told her cause he knows y0u're just gonna go ge drunk and fucked up on pills and speed, crfash, almost kill yourself yet again, and he still gives you cars!! so he must be hoping with each car you crash, you get it right and kill yourself..
She didn't talk to me for four years over that one... BUT when she did finally talk to me.. she said I was right..
and she has since quit driving if she's drank if we can just get her to quit doing drugs and driving!!LOL My DUI is still costing me!! I have been going to school to vbe an EMT.. they ran my FED Check, the DUI came u-p.. DENIED!! because I can't get a commercial license.. so now I have to find a new field of study..
If I had known then.. what I know now..
suddenly I'm craving No Code..
Good luck to your friend AND his family SPEEDY hope he's learned from this.. I know I sure did!!
also was hospitalized once and blew a .467 .... doctor told me i was close to the level where organs start to shut down.
last dui involved an accident - no one was hurt but i don't remember it which means i could have killed myself or worse -- a family of innocent people.
I did my time - well still doing some of it (parole).
Haven't drank in almost 2 years.
I was fired from my job for becoming a felon - did some time in a correctional facility.
that all seems really bad - but in truth it wasn't - it was the best thing that could have happened. I was wasting my life. Literally.
So yeah , things can change in an instant and it seems hopeless and shitty, but you never know. It might be the thing that brings to back to yourself.
I don't make as much money as i did before - but i make enough - and i like my job and more importantly i like my life. Turns out i don't need as much money when i am not dropping hundreds at the bar every other night.
When i am sober i can tell you i would NEVER drive drunk again - but i know that once i start drinking i have no idea what i might do - wake up in vegas - married to a stripper named alabama or just try to drive myself home. The cab thing doesn't work - i have taken a cab home and then drove myself to the casino at 3 am.
fuck that. better without it for this guy.
And it took a really bad situation for me to finally stop.
"if hope can grow from dirt like me .... it can be done"
:shock: F'n Bad ASS!!! glad your not anymore.
sounds like his life changed for the next 2-3 years until he gets hired by another company.
his life would have changed FOREVER if he killed someone. guy got off lucky.
no sympathy.
Wow. Glad to hear you were able to turn your life around! It takes a strong person to recognize that they need to change. Kudos to you.
Sometimes it takes a life changing event to start that change.