Dude is nuts for showing up at 6am without an appointment, and the article even states the only person he talked to was a janitor and then a school councilor in the parking lot.
How it went from that, to shutting the school down.....I think the school district is the stupid one here, no kids were even present.
That's what I was just thinking.
Flak jacket... protection, like others have stated.
6am? Kinda stupid. No one I know who has worked in a school has been at work before 7am.
Maybe he wore the flak jacket for protection from the midnight janitor. They can be a little scary.
"Then the Spirit of God hovered over the water, and God said, Let there be music, and there was Pearl Jam."
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Dude is nuts for showing up at 6am without an appointment, and the article even states the only person he talked to was a janitor and then a school councilor in the parking lot.
How it went from that, to shutting the school down.....I think the school district is the stupid one here, no kids were even present.
That's what I was just thinking.
Flak jacket... protection, like others have stated.
6am? Kinda stupid. No one I know who has worked in a school has been at work before 7am.
Maybe he wore the flak jacket for protection from the midnight janitor. They can be a little scary.
Flak jacket... protection, like others have stated.
6am? Kinda stupid. No one I know who has worked in a school has been at work before 7am.
Maybe he wore the flak jacket for protection from the midnight janitor. They can be a little scary.
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
But nothing official.