Thread closed: topic integrity derailed, too many inappropriate posts for an all ages forum.
If threads are going to constantly devolve into discussions that do not belong on an all ages forum they will be closed permanently. This is an all ages forum. Take conversations that do not belong here off the forum. We've warned enough on this issue and you could be choosing to have your forum account be read-only.
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
Yeah, he keeps getting himself in sticky situations.
nightmares haunted
mamasan, Is the person in the painting giving the finger? :think:
I can answer for her...yes, the person in the painting is giving the finger.
yes, i think from her son!!
Is that Bob in your pocket?
I was so right about it. and it's way better than I imagined
page 10
You look funny.
I don't feel funny
If threads are going to constantly devolve into discussions that do not belong on an all ages forum they will be closed permanently. This is an all ages forum. Take conversations that do not belong here off the forum. We've warned enough on this issue and you could be choosing to have your forum account be read-only.