yeah i cant wait..i believe cold as well..mum says.. drinking with the kids.. tried the canadean maple whiskey called royal crown and its nice shaken on the rocks.. anyhow catch up soon xx oo
And dont forget to meet me at Mary's because I dont want to stay too long there Its not safe and im not used to it.. I rather be at yours or my home.. Foreign I know.. You dont seem to mind and either do I.. Look forward to catching up..
Your place is fine.. but don't want him anywhere with us or in the picture It's enough to put up with him in social events but that's it truely at this moment In time.. I know you will treat mine as your own and I'm happy it's likewise..
Shayla is born in 1994 so ages are close and she loves all family like me too.. She definitely isn't a bitch unless your rude and have an attitude problem she also has little patience with immaturity (haven't taught her how to tolerate those behaviours yet).. but she treats all relatives with love and respect and she doesn't fit in very well with the selfish generation as i raised her old fashioned so she doesnt know how to be mean when needed to protect herself, she just stays quiet and laughs like the tormented me.. shes interested in the chit chat of older adults rather than the chat of young adults.. she hates animal cruelty and can't bare to see it even on the news it makes her blood boil.. shes sensitive caring,loving, sweet and very sentimental and she alot like the humbled me not the three year old me though she has suffered alot due to ocd but shes coping with much stress.. if i we're to put my bias opinion aside and judge her from the outside i would have to say she doesnt fit with silly talk of youths today so i guess i would feel she was boring but as a mature adult i would wish that my kids were like her having an interest in the wise chat of the elderly and the goofyness/playfulness of a 5 year old she has never disappointed me but on the otherhand made me proud of the good responsible person that she is.. she doesnt take drugs but has tried it a few times, she likes a drink but would rarely have too many unless shes with family or best friends only with are sure safe environment, she doesnt drink too much on her outings either as she very safety conscious shes very old school morals and loves God and the bible and holds a good conscience although at times likes to live her own way out of wedlock and she feels bad about it, she love to have kids but its probably too complex for her too bc of complication health wise.. she wants me to find someone very much like herself and myself with good morals old school type believes in God and one who will take her on board as a best friend guardian and family.. she is not influenced by associates as she has a sensible mind of her own and she loves shopping and has expensive taste (since a child) shes very classy although doesnt mind waking up with messy hair and hanging out in her pjs all day, like me lol she doesnt insult people bc shes too kind and she gives everybody a fair go but if you hurt the ones she loves she will dislike you.. shes great at basketball, craft, drawing, writing, singing, interior decorating, writing the warmest cards ive ever read and knows the city like the back of her hand.. she tries to eat healthy but splurges in dark chocolate or a nice dessert .. she loves dogs mainly wolves, foxes and rottwhilers and doesnt mind kittens.. like me too she also likes owls.. she loves her dad but isnt very close to him as he is not very selfless toward her (nothing i could do) she definitely is mommies girl through and through, we are very very close and she even feels comfortable talking to me about her sex life and other subjects.. she adores my mother and loves my dad too but is shy with my brothers but yet close... thats about all i can say.. i raised her all on my own living at my mums but mum was good and stepped aside and left all responsibilities to me (old school principles to stick nose out of ones parenting) but when i fell really sick when she was 6 my mum helped for a year to cook for us and get her uniform ready for school but it was only for a year while i was present then i resumed those duties again.. she was never a deprived child as i worked hard for her to get and wherever and whatever she wanted, i figured i cant give her a proper family household with a dad and siblings so instead i spent quality time with her and took her everywhere, i gave up my social life and dating to be with her so she never felt deprived.. i took her on vacations, shopping sprees, leasures of all sorts and family outings she also was raised with the bible and went to meetings and it is deeply set in her.. we both looked forward to school holidays (i think i was the only parent who did lol)to spend time together.. and we have been through alot together we have even hurt each other in the past due to our sicknesses but it was water off a ducks back we knew we couldnt cope but we are both very humbled by it so i guess the love of a stray dog is better than a spoilt one they say and i would do anything for her and the thought of her ever to be hurting cuts me deep inside and is so sensitive to me that i just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and barricade her with steel and never let that happen.. she truely like all my kids is the pupil of my right eye which has been showed to many people in my tunnel.. hope thats enough information..
Shayla is born in 1994 so ages are close and she loves all family like me too.. She definitely isn't a bitch unless your rude and have an attitude problem she also has little patience with immaturity (haven't taught her how to tolerate those behaviours yet).. but she treats all relatives with love and respect and she doesn't fit in very well with the selfish generation as i raised her old fashioned so she doesnt know how to be mean when needed to protect herself, she just stays quiet and laughs like the tormented me.. shes interested in the chit chat of older adults rather than the chat of young adults.. she hates animal cruelty and can't bare to see it even on the news it makes her blood boil.. shes sensitive caring,loving, sweet and very sentimental and she alot like the humbled me not the three year old me though she has suffered alot due to ocd but shes coping with much stress.. if i we're to put my bias opinion aside and judge her from the outside i would have to say she doesnt fit with silly talk of youths today so i guess i would feel she was boring but as a mature adult i would wish that my kids were like her having an interest in the wise chat of the elderly and the goofyness/playfulness of a 5 year old she has never disappointed me but on the otherhand made me proud of the good responsible person that she is.. she doesnt take drugs but has tried it a few times, she likes a drink but would rarely have too many unless shes with family or best friends only with are sure safe environment, she doesnt drink too much on her outings either as she very safety conscious shes very old school morals and loves God and the bible and holds a good conscience although at times likes to live her own way out of wedlock and she feels bad about it, she love to have kids but its probably too complex for her too bc of complication health wise.. she wants me to find someone very much like herself and myself with good morals old school type believes in God and one who will take her on board as a best friend guardian and family.. she is not influenced by associates as she has a sensible mind of her own and she loves shopping and has expensive taste (since a child) shes very classy although doesnt mind waking up with messy hair and hanging out in her pjs all day, like me lol she doesnt insult people bc shes too kind and she gives everybody a fair go but if you hurt the ones she loves she will dislike you.. shes great at basketball, craft, drawing, writing, singing, interior decorating, writing the warmest cards ive ever read and knows the city like the back of her hand.. she tries to eat healthy but splurges in dark chocolate or a nice dessert .. she loves dogs mainly wolves, foxes and rottwhilers and doesnt mind kittens.. like me too she also likes owls.. she loves her dad but isnt very close to him as he is not very selfless toward her (nothing i could do) she definitely is mommies girl through and through, we are very very close and she even feels comfortable talking to me about her sex life and other subjects.. she adores my mother and loves my dad too but is shy with my brothers but yet close... thats about all i can say.. i raised her all on my own living at my mums but mum was good and stepped aside and left all responsibilities to me (old school principles to stick nose out of ones parenting) but when i fell really sick when she was 6 my mum helped for a year to cook for us and get her uniform ready for school but it was only for a year while i was present then i resumed those duties again.. she was never a deprived child as i worked hard for her to get and wherever and whatever she wanted, i figured i cant give her a proper family household with a dad and siblings so instead i spent quality time with her and took her everywhere, i gave up my social life and dating to be with her so she never felt deprived.. i took her on vacations, shopping sprees, leasures of all sorts and family outings she also was raised with the bible and went to meetings and it is deeply set in her.. we both looked forward to school holidays (i think i was the only parent who did lol)to spend time together.. and we have been through alot together we have even hurt each other in the past due to our sicknesses but it was water off a ducks back we knew we couldnt cope but we are both very humbled by it so i guess the love of a stray dog is better than a spoilt one they say and i would do anything for her and the thought of her ever to be hurting cuts me deep inside and is so sensitive to me that i just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and barricade her with steel and never let that happen.. she truely like all my kids is the pupil of my right eye which has been showed to many people in my tunnel.. hope thats enough information..
Well fuck me over under sideways down.
I can't even type that much on an actual keyboard at one time let alone a phone.
(perhaps it came through in parts...many many many parts )
Shayla is born in 1994 so ages are close and she loves all family like me too.. She definitely isn't a bitch unless your rude and have an attitude problem she also has little patience with immaturity (haven't taught her how to tolerate those behaviours yet).. but she treats all relatives with love and respect and she doesn't fit in very well with the selfish generation as i raised her old fashioned so she doesnt know how to be mean when needed to protect herself, she just stays quiet and laughs like the tormented me.. shes interested in the chit chat of older adults rather than the chat of young adults.. she hates animal cruelty and can't bare to see it even on the news it makes her blood boil.. shes sensitive caring,loving, sweet and very sentimental and she alot like the humbled me not the three year old me though she has suffered alot due to ocd but shes coping with much stress.. if i we're to put my bias opinion aside and judge her from the outside i would have to say she doesnt fit with silly talk of youths today so i guess i would feel she was boring but as a mature adult i would wish that my kids were like her having an interest in the wise chat of the elderly and the goofyness/playfulness of a 5 year old she has never disappointed me but on the otherhand made me proud of the good responsible person that she is.. she doesnt take drugs but has tried it a few times, she likes a drink but would rarely have too many unless shes with family or best friends only with are sure safe environment, she doesnt drink too much on her outings either as she very safety conscious shes very old school morals and loves God and the bible and holds a good conscience although at times likes to live her own way out of wedlock and she feels bad about it, she love to have kids but its probably too complex for her too bc of complication health wise.. she wants me to find someone very much like herself and myself with good morals old school type believes in God and one who will take her on board as a best friend guardian and family.. she is not influenced by associates as she has a sensible mind of her own and she loves shopping and has expensive taste (since a child) shes very classy although doesnt mind waking up with messy hair and hanging out in her pjs all day, like me lol she doesnt insult people bc shes too kind and she gives everybody a fair go but if you hurt the ones she loves she will dislike you.. shes great at basketball, craft, drawing, writing, singing, interior decorating, writing the warmest cards ive ever read and knows the city like the back of her hand.. she tries to eat healthy but splurges in dark chocolate or a nice dessert .. she loves dogs mainly wolves, foxes and rottwhilers and doesnt mind kittens.. like me too she also likes owls.. she loves her dad but isnt very close to him as he is not very selfless toward her (nothing i could do) she definitely is mommies girl through and through, we are very very close and she even feels comfortable talking to me about her sex life and other subjects.. she adores my mother and loves my dad too but is shy with my brothers but yet close... thats about all i can say.. i raised her all on my own living at my mums but mum was good and stepped aside and left all responsibilities to me (old school principles to stick nose out of ones parenting) but when i fell really sick when she was 6 my mum helped for a year to cook for us and get her uniform ready for school but it was only for a year while i was present then i resumed those duties again.. she was never a deprived child as i worked hard for her to get and wherever and whatever she wanted, i figured i cant give her a proper family household with a dad and siblings so instead i spent quality time with her and took her everywhere, i gave up my social life and dating to be with her so she never felt deprived.. i took her on vacations, shopping sprees, leasures of all sorts and family outings she also was raised with the bible and went to meetings and it is deeply set in her.. we both looked forward to school holidays (i think i was the only parent who did lol)to spend time together.. and we have been through alot together we have even hurt each other in the past due to our sicknesses but it was water off a ducks back we knew we couldnt cope but we are both very humbled by it so i guess the love of a stray dog is better than a spoilt one they say and i would do anything for her and the thought of her ever to be hurting cuts me deep inside and is so sensitive to me that i just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and barricade her with steel and never let that happen.. she truely like all my kids is the pupil of my right eye which has been showed to many people in my tunnel.. hope thats enough information..
Well fuck me over under sideways down.
I can't even type that much on an actual keyboard at one time let alone a phone.
(perhaps it came through in parts...many many many parts )
i know i can write long texts but i needed someone to see it bc i thought id get an opinion on it did i write well, is it clear ??
Shayla is born in 1994 so ages are close and she loves all family like me too.. She definitely isn't a bitch unless your rude and have an attitude problem she also has little patience with immaturity (haven't taught her how to tolerate those behaviours yet).. but she treats all relatives with love and respect and she doesn't fit in very well with the selfish generation as i raised her old fashioned so she doesnt know how to be mean when needed to protect herself, she just stays quiet and laughs like the tormented me.. shes interested in the chit chat of older adults rather than the chat of young adults.. she hates animal cruelty and can't bare to see it even on the news it makes her blood boil.. shes sensitive caring,loving, sweet and very sentimental and she alot like the humbled me not the three year old me though she has suffered alot due to ocd but shes coping with much stress.. if i we're to put my bias opinion aside and judge her from the outside i would have to say she doesnt fit with silly talk of youths today so i guess i would feel she was boring but as a mature adult i would wish that my kids were like her having an interest in the wise chat of the elderly and the goofyness/playfulness of a 5 year old she has never disappointed me but on the otherhand made me proud of the good responsible person that she is.. she doesnt take drugs but has tried it a few times, she likes a drink but would rarely have too many unless shes with family or best friends only with are sure safe environment, she doesnt drink too much on her outings either as she very safety conscious shes very old school morals and loves God and the bible and holds a good conscience although at times likes to live her own way out of wedlock and she feels bad about it, she love to have kids but its probably too complex for her too bc of complication health wise.. she wants me to find someone very much like herself and myself with good morals old school type believes in God and one who will take her on board as a best friend guardian and family.. she is not influenced by associates as she has a sensible mind of her own and she loves shopping and has expensive taste (since a child) shes very classy although doesnt mind waking up with messy hair and hanging out in her pjs all day, like me lol she doesnt insult people bc shes too kind and she gives everybody a fair go but if you hurt the ones she loves she will dislike you.. shes great at basketball, craft, drawing, writing, singing, interior decorating, writing the warmest cards ive ever read and knows the city like the back of her hand.. she tries to eat healthy but splurges in dark chocolate or a nice dessert .. she loves dogs mainly wolves, foxes and rottwhilers and doesnt mind kittens.. like me too she also likes owls.. she loves her dad but isnt very close to him as he is not very selfless toward her (nothing i could do) she definitely is mommies girl through and through, we are very very close and she even feels comfortable talking to me about her sex life and other subjects.. she adores my mother and loves my dad too but is shy with my brothers but yet close... thats about all i can say.. i raised her all on my own living at my mums but mum was good and stepped aside and left all responsibilities to me (old school principles to stick nose out of ones parenting) but when i fell really sick when she was 6 my mum helped for a year to cook for us and get her uniform ready for school but it was only for a year while i was present then i resumed those duties again.. she was never a deprived child as i worked hard for her to get and wherever and whatever she wanted, i figured i cant give her a proper family household with a dad and siblings so instead i spent quality time with her and took her everywhere, i gave up my social life and dating to be with her so she never felt deprived.. i took her on vacations, shopping sprees, leasures of all sorts and family outings she also was raised with the bible and went to meetings and it is deeply set in her.. we both looked forward to school holidays (i think i was the only parent who did lol)to spend time together.. and we have been through alot together we have even hurt each other in the past due to our sicknesses but it was water off a ducks back we knew we couldnt cope but we are both very humbled by it so i guess the love of a stray dog is better than a spoilt one they say and i would do anything for her and the thought of her ever to be hurting cuts me deep inside and is so sensitive to me that i just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and barricade her with steel and never let that happen.. she truely like all my kids is the pupil of my right eye which has been showed to many people in my tunnel.. hope thats enough information..
Well fuck me over under sideways down.
I can't even type that much on an actual keyboard at one time let alone a phone.
(perhaps it came through in parts...many many many parts )
i know i can write long texts but i needed someone to see it bc i thought id get an opinion on it did i write well, is it clear ??
I'm sorry but not clear to me. Just me though - too much for the states of my mind and these eyes of mine to take it all in and digest it.
christine can you pick up two suit cases at mums that weigh a bit and i will fix you up for it , expenses and all it will cost a bit for you but it will be covered apparently theres some sentimental stuff inside as well as treasured items apparently.. thanks if you can.. will call you soon about it but cant drop by just yet..
she warned him but he's stupid enough to not listen or care for his own consequence....
"I just sprinted across the parking lot to save a Porsche from a rolling cart...and I got applause."
I would've let that piece-of-shit douchewagon get dinged!!!
hope your all well..
send my love please to you whats his face..
mum thinks of you too..
xx oo
drinking with the kids..
tried the canadean maple whiskey
called royal crown and its nice shaken
on the rocks..
anyhow catch up soon
xx oo
xx oo
Its not safe and im not used to it.. I rather be at yours or my home..
Foreign I know..
You dont seem to mind and either do I..
Look forward to catching up..
Was that fair dinkum him ??
If so tell him I read his reply..
Greetings back..
It's enough to put up with him in social events but that's it truely at this moment
In time..
I know you will treat mine as your own and I'm happy it's likewise..
She definitely isn't a bitch unless your rude and have an attitude problem
she also has little patience with immaturity (haven't taught her how to tolerate those behaviours yet)..
but she treats all relatives with love and respect and she doesn't fit in very well with the selfish generation
as i raised her old fashioned so she doesnt know how to be mean when needed to protect herself, she just stays quiet
and laughs like the tormented me..
shes interested in the chit chat of older adults rather than the chat of young adults..
she hates animal cruelty and can't bare to see it even on the news it makes her blood boil..
shes sensitive caring,loving, sweet and very sentimental and she alot like the humbled me not the three year old me though
she has suffered alot due to ocd but shes coping with much stress..
if i we're to put my bias opinion aside and judge her from the outside i would have to say
she doesnt fit with silly talk of youths today so i guess i would feel she was boring but as a mature adult i would
wish that my kids were like her having an interest in the wise chat of the elderly and the goofyness/playfulness of a 5 year old
she has never disappointed me but on the otherhand made me proud of the good responsible person that she is..
she doesnt take drugs but has tried it a few times, she likes a drink but would rarely have too many unless shes with family
or best friends only with are sure safe environment, she doesnt drink too much on her outings either as she very safety conscious
shes very old school morals and loves God and the bible and holds a good conscience although at times likes to live her own way
out of wedlock and she feels bad about it, she love to have kids but its probably too complex for her too bc of complication health wise..
she wants me to find someone very much like herself and myself with good morals old school type believes in God and one who will take her on board as a best friend guardian and family..
she is not influenced by associates as she has a sensible mind of her own
and she loves shopping and has expensive taste (since a child) shes very classy although doesnt mind waking up with messy hair and
hanging out in her pjs all day, like me lol
she doesnt insult people bc shes too kind and she gives everybody a fair go but if you hurt the ones she loves she will dislike you..
shes great at basketball, craft, drawing, writing, singing, interior decorating, writing the warmest cards ive ever read and knows the city like the back of her hand..
she tries to eat healthy but splurges in dark chocolate or a nice dessert ..
she loves dogs mainly wolves, foxes and rottwhilers and doesnt mind kittens..
like me too she also likes owls..
she loves her dad but isnt very close to him as he is not very selfless toward her (nothing i could do)
she definitely is mommies girl through and through, we are very very close and she even feels comfortable talking to me about her sex life
and other subjects.. she adores my mother and loves my dad too but is shy with my brothers but yet close...
thats about all i can say..
i raised her all on my own living at my mums but mum was good and stepped aside and left all responsibilities to me (old school principles to stick nose out of ones parenting) but when i fell really sick when she was 6 my mum helped for a year to cook for us and get her uniform ready for school but it was only for a year while i was present then i resumed those duties again..
she was never a deprived child as i worked hard for her to get and wherever and whatever she wanted, i figured i cant give her a proper family household with a dad and siblings so instead i spent quality time with her and took her everywhere, i gave up my social life and dating to be with her so she never felt deprived.. i took her on vacations, shopping sprees, leasures of all sorts and family outings
she also was raised with the bible and went to meetings and it is deeply set in her..
we both looked forward to school holidays (i think i was the only parent who did lol)to spend time together..
and we have been through alot together we have even hurt each other in the past due to our sicknesses but it was water off a ducks back
we knew we couldnt cope but we are both very humbled by it so i guess the love of a stray dog is better than a spoilt one they say
and i would do anything for her and the thought of her ever to be hurting cuts me deep inside and is so sensitive to me that i just want to wrap her up in cotton wool and barricade her with steel and never let that happen..
she truely like all my kids is the pupil of my right eye which has been showed to many people in my tunnel..
hope thats enough information..
I can't even type that much on an actual keyboard at one time let alone a phone.
(perhaps it came through in parts...many many many parts
did i write well, is it clear ??
thanks if you can.. will call you soon about it but cant drop by just yet..