And I just thought of how else you are like a give us oxygen. How I mean is you're so warm and caring it's like you help others around you relax and breathe again. (Sorry, I've always wanted to be a writer so I think in metaphors a lot). But it's true. Just like a tree you absorb our exhaled air (pain, grief, sadness) and help us breathe in hope and love.
glad you had a good time.. send my love to yourself and family.. today my teacher comes over for a lesson and im getting better.. anyway have a nice day/night and mum sends her love too.. xx oo
Mary said couple years ago it was her giving the directions....left,right,left,down etc she's in deep caca.....!!! And he knows....!! Jesus...what would we do without him..
Received: Are you excited about tonight? Sent: I am too tired to be excited about anything, but I know God will give me what to share and not to share. It's kind of crazy trying to condense 40 years of insanity, and 3 years of divine intervention into just 30 mins! Lol
pepe is mum dad and he sent me and Chris with the African kids and Michael had my back and Christine had Christians back bc that's the correct way around...
on a different subject now.. did he see that i was hanging on to him.. or was that from somebody else to see if i was really serious about him.. either way, i hope he saw it and it made his day..
My girlfriend last night let me know that hes scum who only views me as some young dumb thing to carry crap/pooh and hold vinyl lol and he wonders why i want nothing to do with him or thinks im a little interested, how the hell am i supposed to be interested lol hes far exceeded jerkness and i see no beauty in it anymore but rather repulsed but what intrigued me is why she let me know ?? as if i didnt notice.... at least she cares..
you will always
my back and i yours,,
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
(Sorry, I've always wanted to be a writer so I think in metaphors a lot).
But it's true. Just like a tree you absorb our exhaled air (pain, grief, sadness) and help us breathe in hope and love.
^^ made me tear up.
(Tree, that is just lovely - and true
send my love to yourself and
today my teacher comes over
for a lesson and im getting better..
anyway have a nice day/night
and mum sends her love too..
xx oo
Otherwise mum will let you know..
xx oo
And he knows....!!
Jesus...what would we do without him..
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Sent: I am too tired to be excited about anything, but I know God will give me what to share and not to share. It's kind of crazy trying to condense 40 years of insanity, and 3 years of divine intervention into just 30 mins! Lol
Change subject, do you remember the band " blue stars " that dad was in??
Ps open my mouth to dad today about counting steps and I know I wasn't sposed to...
I'm not home atm I'm at dads
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I'm much better now xx oo
Can you explain why not, bc i dont understand..
on a different subject now..
did he see that i was hanging on to him..
or was that from somebody else to see
if i was really serious about him..
either way, i hope he saw it and it made
his day..
and he wonders why i want nothing to do with him or thinks im a little interested, how the hell am i supposed to be interested lol hes far exceeded jerkness and i see no beauty in it anymore but rather repulsed
but what intrigued me is why she let me know ?? as if i didnt notice....
at least she cares..
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1