Hood rat is all she is. Those kids are doomed to a life in the correction system. Screaming you gay the whole time. Who acts like that and talks like in front of their kids. Then acts like you're the one in the wrong after she throws punches in front of her kids. Typical it's not my fault attitude.
Seeing her get tazed has been the highlight of this shittastic day. Thank you OP
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Hood rat is all she is. Those kids are doomed to a life in the correction system. Screaming you gay the whole time. Who acts like that and talks like in front of their kids. Then acts like you're the one in the wrong after she throws punches in front of her kids. Typical it's not my fault attitude.
Seeing her get tazed has been the highlight of this shittastic day. Thank you OP