Twilight Zone

Thank you Netflix.
Woman goes to the 9th floor in a department store but there is no 9th floor. :corn:
Woman goes to the 9th floor in a department store but there is no 9th floor. :corn:
Post edited by Unknown User on
Might have something to do with Season 4 episodes being almost an hour long, as opposed to a half hour like all the other seasons.
monsters on maple st. a solid episode
Not bad, but a little silly. If I'm understanding it correctly, the aliens only affected that one street. Would they not be able to see/hear life going about normally on the other streets? Why did the guy with the hammer stay gone all day to check the next street over?
Netix also has 21 Jump Street. That is actually why I want it.
Yeah, that's a classic called "Time Enough At Last" starring a pre-Rocky Burgess Meredith.
I think the only hardware you need is a computer and internet. I don't have anything fancy hooked up to mine, besides pretty decent internet.
Some other good series streaming
Blue Mountain State
Snuff Box
The IT Crowd
The Kids In The Hall
I'm talking Tina, and you better be nice to me.
He's a boy,and I couldn't be prouder.
Telly Savalas. Classic.
The makeup might be cheesy, but this episode still is insanely creepy.
What about the other Shatner one with the coffee shop fortune teller? That one was super silly! Ha
Fortune teller one is awesome! Will we ever leave this town?!
Yeah, that's what I gathered. Just makes me wonder why they didn't hear/see any other vehicles or the people from the rest of town who were supposedly going about their regular days with full power and all that. Especially once it became night and they're supposedly in pitch blackness. If they had set it in an out of the way community or something, but one street in the middle of town doesn't really give the story the sense of isolation it needs.
I don't recall ever seeing that episode. Might have to check it out. I'm checking out another show on Netflix right now though. Saxondale. Steve Coogan plays an old rock roadie from the 70's who is now living the less glamorous life of pest control. I'm only about half way through the first episode and I've had to stop it 3 times because I was laughing my ass off at something he said.
A young Bill Shatner