Wilco Johnson

This may or may not have already been mentioned before but felt i had to say how sad it was to hear the news that Wilco has terminal cancer. He has provided us with some truly great moments over the years both as a solo artist and with the blockheads and Dr feelgood.
I was lucky enough to catch him recently at the Exeter pheonix and he was fucking great.
Shit kicking R & B Nuff Said
I was lucky enough to catch him recently at the Exeter pheonix and he was fucking great.
Shit kicking R & B Nuff Said
shows: Shepherds Bush 110809
Hyde Park 250610
Bridge School Benefit 23/241010
Manchester MEN 210612
Amsterdam Ziggodome 270612
Berlin '02' 040712
Hyde Park 250610
Bridge School Benefit 23/241010
Manchester MEN 210612
Amsterdam Ziggodome 270612
Berlin '02' 040712