I guess one good result of PJ not touring much lately is that your thread could've read, bifocals, hair coloring, false teeth, and hearing aids.. if they toured more..
Reading glasses, computer glasses, hair dye, but no false teeth yet.
Although, one of my front teeth is wonky as hell and I'd love to have it whipped out and a nice straight one put in it's place. I guess orthodontists weren't as good 30 something years ago as they are now.
Alpine Valley Resort is etched in my brain!!!
Although, one of my front teeth is wonky as hell and I'd love to have it whipped out and a nice straight one put in it's place. I guess orthodontists weren't as good 30 something years ago as they are now.
"driving glasses " for night time driving - :P
I have fantastic teeth and my hair still grows - so I'm good with those 2....