Lost EBay or Lost Dogs?

Lately it seems like a lot of ten club merch for sale in Lost Dogs is much higher priced than the original sale price plus shipping here at Ten Club. In the first topic here, it pretty much states that is against the forum rules. People come here to sell things after they see what eBay price was and then come here to avoid fees, "gift", etc. I don't think any have been pulled, so I'm confused. I know not everyone does this... Just wondering aloud. Please don't be offended by my post. I'm not a cheapskate. Just trying to clarify the rules for myself perhaps...
Thanks for reading. Peace and Love to my true PJ brothers!!!!
Thanks for reading. Peace and Love to my true PJ brothers!!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
'10- MSG 1-2 '11- PJ20
'12- MIA; DeLuna '13- Wrigley; Pitt; Brooklyn 1-2; Philly 1-2; Baltimore; Seattle
'14- Denver '16- Philly 1-2; MSG 2
'17- Pilgrimage Music Fest (Eddie)
'18- Fenway
it can be confusing. there seems to be an unknown and unspoken amount of time that is required for an item to increase in value and be allowed to be sold at that value here on the site. if you buy a limited item and sell it right away for an inflated price it is considered flipping. if you wait a month and start your post off with "I really need the money" then it seems ok to do. I have never figured out this unspoken amount of time, it seems to be different for different people and different circumstances.
if you are ever unsure, the mods I'm sure would be happy to help if it's ok to sell or not.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Even at $1000 I don't consider selling my copy. How do you expect people to part with hard to find items if not to throw money at them? Alot of people couldn't be bothered to part with something rare if they are only offered its original price.
IE there's a guy selling all his pj albums for 1200 to pay off his debt before his baby is born. Do you think he'd bother if he'd only get 3 or 4 hundred for the set?
I think it's bad to buy and sell immediately, but to sell of ones personal collection at a premium seems ok to me. There needs to be an incentive to sell it? That usually collectible type prices.
I doubt he only paid 300-400 for all of those, but if he did. I do think asking $1200 is too much to ask a brother. Same thing with Benny. I think $400 would be fair to a brother (ten clubs convention price), if you only paid $40. Anybody can go pay $1200 on EBay. This is Lost Dogs. If you want that; then why not just go to the place u got your numbers in the first place? Jmo
Yeah and some tool always adds the comment 'great prices'.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Usually a buddy of the seller....
2006: Dublin; Leeds; Arnhem
2007: London
2009: Manchester
2012: Manchester I & II : EV Manchester : Soundgarden Shepherds Bush
2013: Brad Manchester : Soundgarden Manchester
2014: Amsterdam I & II; Berlin; Leeds; Milton Keynes
2018: Berlin; London II; Boston II
Bootleg Reviews: http://pjbootlegreviews.blogspot.com/
That is true.
New Mexico Pearl Jam Fans (New Mexico, USA) on Facebook!
i sort of want to post that in every FS thread now.
Great comment
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
you're funny with your logical thinking
as for the original post of this thread
the rules are guidelines ... up to this point the 10c has pretty much stayed out of policing this forum
hopefully they've got much better things to attend to...
one rule that is usually followed is everything must always have a price... so people start with the highest amount they think would be ideal for them
and either it sells... or someone negotiates it down
if they tried to enforce the rules then everyone would start lying even more... "oh no i didn't buy this poster from 10c... i got it at a show"... or "I bought this backpack off ebay and now my wife is having alien triplets"
it always cracks me up how 64% of sellers feel the need to justify their sale
Wife is having baby .....
Lost my job....
Fell down the steps...
Need to support my drug habit due to my wife having a baby....
etc etc
i'd say if things got out of control here then they would just shut it down instead of worrying about controlling it... it is what it is and that's ok with me
i see what you did there.
The general sale of items that are highly sought after, example off the top of my head, - Binaural LP, Avacoado LP, Lost Dogs LP - have slipped into eBay-ish prices. Maybe someone will knock $20 off the standard online price but essentially these items are still going for high amounts.
So whats the point of Lost Dogs? I guess people can come here instead of wading through eBay and there is a community of people including 600+ people who are trusted sellers. I think buying from a PJ fan, as stupid as it sounds, gives people a better sense of spending large sums of money. I might be wrong with that but I imagine a scenario of "well I'd rather give my $150 to a regular PJ forum member than an out & out flipper on eBay".
Even if 10c got a hold on it people will start inching their prices back up over time. When this was imagined first I too was fooled thinking the majority of sought after items would be sold for reasonable amounts: Im making a small profit but no way near as much as on eBay. But I guess as already pointed out why should someone deny themselves an extra $50 if someone is willing to pay it?
LA II 06, SB 06, SF III 06, Kokua 07 Ed and Jack, Grant Park 07, EV Berk1 & LA 1 (nice job 10c), 08 DC, MSG1 &2, VH1 rocks, EV Bos II, EV NYC I & II, Milwaukee, EV Maui, EV Hono I & II, Chicago 09 I & II, LA 09 I & II & IV, SD 09 (my girlfriend hit the lottery, best concert of my life 10C rocks)KC 2010, STL 2010, Hartford. Boston, and MSG I & II "who goes around skinning cats anyway", PJ 20 2011 , Portland, Spokane, Seattle LA 2013, Home Shows + Missoula (fatal 👌)
I hear what you're saying but if items were sold here for their original price the flippers would buy as much as they could and then resell it on eBay for a profit. How frustrating would that be? This can only be avoided by selling an item for it's market value. If the seller feels generous they can donate the excess money to a good charity.
'10- MSG 1-2 '11- PJ20
'12- MIA; DeLuna '13- Wrigley; Pitt; Brooklyn 1-2; Philly 1-2; Baltimore; Seattle
'14- Denver '16- Philly 1-2; MSG 2
'17- Pilgrimage Music Fest (Eddie)
'18- Fenway
I am currently considering selling a number of rare limited items that I picked up in the PJ20 sales and from ebay over the years. The extravagance of having a few thousand dollars worth of unopened or pristine stuff sitting hidden away in a safe cupboard is becoming less cool for me. I bought all the items with the intention of using/framing/watching/listening etc to them. However, as some went through the roof with 'resale value' it seriously made me think, is this worth opening, marking - devaluing? I can only frame so many posters, I am starting to see my dream of a music room with a turntable and display cabinets of memorabilia probably is not going to happen. I can see that the other items I have that are cool to own, are just taking up space I need and their value could pay off my credit card.
Funny how it is an emotional and ethical minefield to sell these items - but also case of how much of a capitalist do I really want to be? I see what people are paying for these items on here and ebay. Am I comfortable to ask the current 'maximum value' of these items on the forum? No! Am I comfortable to let these items go for less than the price I could achieve? No! But, I (and all people) have real and valid uses for the money and never intended to be in a position of speculating or 'investing' but between having extra $$$ to spend on my family or pay off debt versus giving someone a sweet deal here, I'd be a fool to neglect my family. In this case an auction finds the true market value of what someone is prepared to pay without me having to put a pie in the sky price here and then either cop flack for making it too high, or be called as a great guy (but kicking myself) for letting it go cheap. However, there are plenty of people here desperate for particular items and will pay far more than ebay prices to secure a much wanted item. Is it right or wrong to take advantage of obsessive collectors who will pay a premium to secure their holly grail?
An example in point. My PJ20 Billboard. It was bought with the intention of being framed and mounted in my home office (I work from home). However, I went the other way and framed three other posters and the PJ20 will just not work in here and there is no way my wife will be happy with it anywhere else in the house. So, right now it is stilling, stored away in a dark safe place being wasted when there are loads of people here (and on ebay) searching for this poster. I now know deep down, I will never frame it, it is destined for a life of storage. My quandary is that it should go to someone who really wants it and would frame it and treasure it more than I am right now - and there are at least 3 or 4 people who have asked me to let them know if I ever decide to sell - but because I don't have to sell it, and deep down really don't want to, there is no way I'd let it go for anything less than the absolute maximum the market will pay - but I don't want to take advantage of friends. This is where ebay then is good because there is no relationship between buyer and seller and the price is what the market set. Forum rules prohibit me from listing it and saying.. 'make an offer' to see where the market lies for this items. I understand why and support the forum rules, but it just makes it difficult to settle on a fair price that makes everyone happy. Lets face it, the actual profit margin we all make on some items is incredible - but this is balanced off by the number of times I've probably paid through the nose for items on the after market myself.
I'd be quite happy to see 'silent auction' or 'sale by tender' here, where member lists the item and final bidding time and then the tenders/bids take place via PM. Seller selects winning tender, publishes the winner and price and sale closes.
When I put a list up of what I'm prepared to sell, the numbers attached to each item make me giddy and I end up deleting and not listing - this is my quandary.
Its nice to read someone being honest like this. There is no shame in wanting to make some money off what you have spent a hell of a long time collecting. The difference is of course flippers, of which there are many silent ones on these boards, who buy items with the explicit intention to sell on for a huge mark up. They are in it to make money, simple. If you or I sell on stuff that we bought 15-20 years ago at cost price and make money on it that is different.
So I applaud your honesty. At one time it sounds like this was an obsession like it is for many of us and now you have other priorities. Its called life and there are plenty of people who will take on your stuff and add them to their collections. Including me I have to say. And then maybe my day will come.
So in this kill or be killed world of PJ collecting, what you selling dude? I'm in Australia - lets talk
Guy is gonna be selling a bunch of rare collectibles on eBay soon. Stay tuned.
No nothing selling 'soon'. Just adding to the conversation - with some honesty.
Anything that I caught or bought at a concert would never be sold - so my guitar picks, sweatbands, show posters, t-shirts, set lists etc would never be sold - they are worth a lot to me as they are directly linked to memories of shows or road trips etc. What I find expendable are the assorted 'things' we accumulate with best intentions, but never get around to using - or as I mentioned before - are too scared to open now because of the 'value' of these sealed mint items.
For the record - these are the main items to which I refer (I've just received a number of PMs). I am not soliciting offers, nor am I about to list them on ebay. I list them to highlight the quandary of the after sales market.
Complete sealed set of sealed & unopened PJ Vinyl Studio, Live and Compilation Albums + White Backspacer. (I believe all are first editions). No Benny unfortunately.
PJ 20 Billboard Poster
PJ 20 Deluxe Original 3 Blueray Sealed
PJ 20 Rimmed Beanie (tried on but never worn - looks naff on me)
PJ 20 Backpack - Sealed
There are people who missed out on all of these items who wanted them. I bought them with the intention of using them but now I find I haven't, just feels wrong to ask for way above the price I paid, but it would be crazy to not ask for as much as I can get, ultimately I'd still be hundreds (maybe thousand) of dollars down on all the money I've spent over the years. Paying three times sale price on a concert t-shirt and then wearing it until it is ruined is not smart. Paying top dollar for a Binarual Jersy and then using it for my main mountain biking jersy (and have had major stacks while wearing it) is not a good investment. haha So I guess I can sit with a clear conscience no matter what I do, but it is a difficult decision to make.
If I look at what I paid for all of the above, I'll probably take a crushing loss on some vinyls and make some back on the increase in value on the other items I bought from regular sales - I paid a premium for sealed/unplayed/unopened mint vinyl. I paid a bit extra on some to help charity or people who needed cash. I wanted to be the first to open and play, but it's just not going to happen any time soon (if ever) my dream of a record room are as good as gone - the kids now use that room as a playroom and far be it for me to take that away from them for my selfish fantasy. Everything else was bought to use and just hasn't been for one reason or another.
At this stage of my life, using the MP3 music on my devices is the most likely medium I use to listen to music. between ripping cds I've bought, purchasing digital music (yep, I buy - never use torrents) and spotify, I have access to almost every song I could ever need. Actually having the time to sit down with a record on a turntable (and also the ability to listen at that volume level without disturbing the rest of the house) is nearly impossible. And yes, I love vinyl, still remember the joys of opening a Kiss or AC/DC or Angels album in the 70 and 80s. Just got to face the facts, unless I win lotto, there is almost zero chance of these babies ever being played. Which is a total fucking waste. :fp:
I guess this is where I need to take the same attitude as I take to putting a value on my labour when I quote clients for work. Just doesn't feel right to take that same hardline capitalist approach to these items. However, if I don't there will always be someone who'll buy from me and then flip to another member (where did Sawyer go???) or put them on ebay themselves.
Damn you 10C why did you ever get me into collecting!!!!! aaarrrggghhh!!!
Don't give up! I have decided that I am destined to win the lotto over here. Maybe a nice $40m or so. When I do I will personally pay for a shit-cool shed extension that will be sound proofed for you.
Thank me later.
Yeah but if I were to win 40 million, I don't think repurchasing these albums would be a problem. In fact, I'd fly to wherever they were to pick them up personally. I'm a total travel whore, so that would just give me an excuse.
No you mis-read my post. I AM going to be winning the money. There will only be one winner, sorry about that.
True sometimes. I hate paying shipping.
Ebay can be wierd. I have never had a problem here...
Thanks to dwhite76
Check it out
(I want that new key chain... it's $10... but another $7 to ship? I better not lose my keys)
08/21/2009: Toronto, ON
09/11/2011: Toronto, ON
07/16/2013: London, ON
10/12/2013: Buffalo, NY
10/16/2014: Detroit, MI
05/08/2016: Ottawa, ON
05/10/2016: Toronto, ON
05/12/2016: Toronto, ON
08/20/2016: Chicago, IL
08/22/2016: Chicago, IL
Money pays for bills. I agree with you all, I'd rather give ten club a chance to buy something before I would do ebay.
I ask premium prices on some items I rather not sell, but need too. Sometimes, I can give stuff away. This economy is whacked.
When is the Club going to have the free Shipping day? I missed it.