From Ramando Band

I wrote a song about Andy Wood about a month after he was in the hospital.. started it before he died, but just couldn't bring myself to finish it, because he death seemed so final to his music. I ended up in radio station working and got a release of Apple, so I ended up naming the song AppleSauce. It's about Andy, and later on, when a close friend died of a blood disease at the age of 34, (married all of 7 months at the time, and it was impossible to say how hard it was on her 13 year old daughter..) Any way.. this song is based on that, too, and it's on an album I'm doing with King Lizzard..
Jealous of your departure
wondering what your last thoughts were
I take in one more sunset and be a party to the rain
Wondering what plants you are now under
Wondering if you can hear us thinking
Wondering if you've never left me wondering if you'll know my name
I know more of you than you
got to ever know of me
Perhaps we would be lovers
In places other than in my dreams
Perhaps you've left soul fragments
In my somewhat conscious being
Perhaps it's just a reflection of
a car light that I'm seeing
And when I watch the birds in the yard
I think of where you might fly
Like I watch the sky-- with so
many stars I wonder in which one
you truly lie
Memories you gave me, long
after you departed
In my heart you've ended nothing
Just restarted.
Missing the ground zero dogma
Who is the worse or worst
dead man with removed organ
Or live man with unmoved heart
And me, who loves life beyond
reason, wondering if dying is the
better step. Since you left
I dream you're in the room
Scent of you in the room
breath of you still in my lungs
laughter still in my--
still rings in my
heart, but maybe as your
skin becomes, more ashen,
and you wither
into leather, Maybe
you were never even here,
and that's my biggest fear
© 1993 Cabco Art in Motion
Jealous of your departure
wondering what your last thoughts were
I take in one more sunset and be a party to the rain
Wondering what plants you are now under
Wondering if you can hear us thinking
Wondering if you've never left me wondering if you'll know my name
I know more of you than you
got to ever know of me
Perhaps we would be lovers
In places other than in my dreams
Perhaps you've left soul fragments
In my somewhat conscious being
Perhaps it's just a reflection of
a car light that I'm seeing
And when I watch the birds in the yard
I think of where you might fly
Like I watch the sky-- with so
many stars I wonder in which one
you truly lie
Memories you gave me, long
after you departed
In my heart you've ended nothing
Just restarted.
Missing the ground zero dogma
Who is the worse or worst
dead man with removed organ
Or live man with unmoved heart
And me, who loves life beyond
reason, wondering if dying is the
better step. Since you left
I dream you're in the room
Scent of you in the room
breath of you still in my lungs
laughter still in my--
still rings in my
heart, but maybe as your
skin becomes, more ashen,
and you wither
into leather, Maybe
you were never even here,
and that's my biggest fear
© 1993 Cabco Art in Motion
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau
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Henry David Thoreau