Need 3 or 4 more T shirts to complete a quilt project. The T-shirts don't have to be in great shape, just need to use the PJ logos on the shirts for the quilt.
Staysea you didn't have to add any extras, you are the best! I threw in a couple extra $$'s for your trouble. Thank you so much for your kind gesture! Excited to see the shirt tomorrow.
Received the shirt on Friday. Thanks stay sea! the extras were a nice touch. thank you. Need one more shirt. Anyone want to have their shirt as a part of my quilt?
I really would like to see that Quilt when you are done. It sounds Kewl!
Very generous of u. Pm coming you way. I will certainly post pics once complete.
I hope you receive more shirts.. It's there by Friday!!!!
I sent some (wacky pack) Stickers cause I owed you Four bucks.
garbage pail maybe included.
I think this quilt will be so great