Convenient Concussions and other stupid pet tricks
Posts: 5,522
Good lord. Obama couldn't come up with something better for Hilary?
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I think most of us are either getting tipsy in the lounge and/or too burned out on other news.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Or maybe this thread just isn't worth responding to? :think:
and then again so did i...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
.............Fuck! :fp:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
The backhanded compliment of the day - I think she knows the truth, but is too good a person to lie. So, the administration found a convenient way to keep her quiet.
Scathing report, and all we hear is she's accepted all the criticisms. How could she do that if she had a concussion? So, she's too "sick" to testify, but she's well enough to read the report? Where's her detailed views on this? Isn't she in charge of international affairs for the President's cabinet?
How many more times are the mens she runs with going to make her kneel? (yeah, yeah. I know the euphimism is disgusting. Glad I got your attention. Now pay attention to the actual issue and not this side show). And Pelosi thinks she'd be the most prepared person to run for President in a while? Why? Because she's become an expert on dodging the truth?
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Clinton contracted “diplomatic illness”
John Bolton
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
What does that have to do with Benghazi? So, because others may have done it before, it's ok to do it now?
I guess b/c she's on "your team," we'll excuse it by referencing something done by the "other team." :wtf: (See? Everyone knows how to use stupid emoticons).
excuse me for bringing up an example of something worse that happened and how it was forgotten by someone in power.
ok, you can keep your thread.
have fun talking to nobody.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
So, putting aside your 2 wrongs (or 1 BIGGER wrong and 1 smaller wrong) makes a right -
You don't find this at all curious?
You're not at all concerned what was going on in our State Dept. when our Ambassador got murdered by terrorists?
You're not the least bit concerned what it says about the current Administration's foreign policy acumen (to say nothing of Hilary's abilities)?
Really? It's stooping to question why the 1 person that would/should have the most detailed knowledge has a convenient mishap?
I appreciate that you think I'm above this, as typically I'm not into this sort of stuff (so, maybe that's saying something). But, as Elaine's friend says - there are no BIG coincidences. There are just coincidences.
I just happened to call this one convenient. Who knows? But, bottom line whether you think this is a coincidence or not - you're not bothered by the findings in the report?
And for the record, I don't hate Obama. I dislike many of his ideas/policies. I think he's STILL in way over his head. But, he seems like a nice enough guy to me. I don't think he's doing anything intentionally.
i think most of us should be.
but as i said, you can keep your thread and you can keep talking to yourself. this thread is not productive at all.
you all are gonna cling to benghazi this entire second term. knock yourself out.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Of course. So silly to even mention the 2 in the same breath/thead. But, keep trying to divert.
And cling to the entier 2nd term? The report just came out. Like I said. Keep trying to divert.
i think i speak for the vast majority of americans when i say i am more worried about jobs and domestic issues than benghazi. most of us couldn't care less about benghazi.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I think you can care about all those things. You really don't care at all about Benghazi? I do. I don;t want a witch hunt, but I think we have to know what happened, why, and what failed and why.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
Oh and by the way, that is why the president has so many people in specific positions, so that while some are working on domestic issues, some can focus on international. But you already know that.
I just think it's silly to 100% dismiss. Of course, I don;t think there is a huge conspiracy here with Benghazi either, just a breakdown.
I agree completely and I too want to know where the failure was. I don't believe, however, that Edson wants to know that as much as he wants to play the politics.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
i am glad i am not as cynical as the op.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I don't think anyone is happy with the way things happened but to look at this specific situation as a conspiracy seems like cynicism at its finest, to me at least
* The US embassy lacked proper security
* A group linked to Al Qaeda exploited the lack of security
* With an upcoming election just a month away, GOP looked to exploit it as a weakness
* Obama admin realized they could exploit it so the Al Qaeda link with dropped in the report
* GOP realized this was their "hail mary" 4th down from the 50 last chance so they cried bloody murder
* Media generally ignored the story ... with the exception of one news organization
* CIA chief was thrown under the bus two days after the election
* Obama admin begins to slowly acknowledge Al Qaeda may have been involved
* Clinton whacks her head days prior to testifying
The attack occurred, I think, due to bureaucratic oversight. The story is more about using the attack for political gain.
The one thing that both sides glance over is that somehow, the biggest spook operation in the world had no idea that Petrous had an affair ... with someone that was at his side for several months ... and wrote his book. I say pish-posh ...
Obama lied
Biden lied
Susan Rice lied
Hilary lied............
and a man is in jail because he made a film....not because of probation...