Ah, the Free Republic

whygohomewhygohome Posts: 2,305
edited December 2012 in A Moving Train
It's been a while. I've been on Long Island helping out family.
Anyway, I came across this today:

An article on the Free Republic website concerning the massacre in Newton, CT. These people are so repulsive; I am ashamed to have them as fellow Americans and fellow human beings. Fuck that, they are the scum of the Earth, they are subhumans. Repulsive Neanderthals.
One day we’ll advance as a species……’tis a shame that I’ll be long dead though…….

Check out all the comments from the "Patriots", you know, the "real 'Mericans," morons who have a warped interpretation about an amendment passed when we just fought a war against a tyrannical government, and a time when muskets and cumbersome revolvers were the weapon of choice. Oh wait, Benjamin Franklin had an Uzi, my bad.
And, I almost forgot, we have an evil tyrannical 'gubmint' today--the evil, negro, anti-American socialist wants to take our guns away. These people are fucking morons; and, if you agree with them, or if you have a delusional view of the 2nd Amendment, then you are a moron too. Please leave the country. There are plenty on the AMT that would fall into that category. You know who you are.

"US President Obama Cries Over School Shooting"

Posted on Friday, December 14, 2012 5:51:28 PM by Tailgunner Joe

US President Barack Obama wept as he addressed the nation in the aftermath of the school shootings in Connecticut.
Mr Obama paused repeatedly as he struggled to keep his composure while speaking of the children who had been killed and the milestones in their lives they would never have - birthdays, graduations, weddings.
"Our hearts are broken today," he said, at times using a finger to wipe tears at the corners of his eyes.
Mr Obama said he had reacted to news of the elementary school shooting first as a parent.
He added that he and First Lady Michelle would do what any other parent in America would do - "hug our children a little tighter".
"There is not a parent in America who does not feel the same overwhelming grief I do," he said.
Mr Obama called for "meaningful action" regardless of politics.

To: Tailgunner Joe
Mr Obama paused repeatedly as he struggled to keep his composure
I struggled to keep my composure when he was elected...
To: Tailgunner Joe
He is a fraud. He has killed more kids with his votes than all school shooters combined. And all the victims of his legislation won’t have birthdays either. Why no tears for them?

To: Tailgunner Joe
Is he flying off to Las Vegas again?________________________________________
To: Tailgunner Joe
I saw him motion like he was wiping away a tear but I never saw any tears. Also, I found it interesting that when he scratches his face while talking about an opponent he uses his middle finger but when pretending to wipe away a tear he uses his index finger. Wouldn’t he use the same finger each time?

To: Tailgunner Joe
Being defensless is not morally superior, those who advocate for others to be defenseless are evil, you know like Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot, Mugabe.________________________________________
To: Tailgunner Joe
fake tears. I have seen that photo and no tears. Sorry.
To: Abbeville Conservative
Someone on another thread has already pointed out that Zero wiped the outside corners of his eyes, and the tear ducts are on the inside corners. But we already knew he is a fake.
To: Tailgunner Joe
This was in a wealthy area; I don’t believe for a minute that Obama cares a whit about these wealthy white children.
AS the left prepares its assault on gun rights, we need to prepare an assault on public schools. They obviously can’t provide the safety necessary... :o:o:o:o:o:o
To: Tailgunner Joe
I’m sure they were fake tears. Sociopaths don’t feel the pain of others. They are only capable of inflicting it.
IMO Obama shows all the classic signs of narcissistic sociopathy.
The tears were intended to garner sympathy FOR him. Classic manipulative narcissistic behavior.
I would believe GWB’s tears. I would even believe Bill Clinton’s tears. But I don’t buy tears from Obama. Not for a second.

To: Tailgunner Joe
To: junta
Same people “crying” now have been crying about the Syrian gooberment “killing its own” citizens for weeks now. Hello, that is why we have a 2A so we don’t have to wait for a cynical bunch of Ivy League crackheads to send us weapons.
To: Tailgunner Joe
Crockodile tears from that hypocrite.
He thought the Ayers bombings were OK
To: South40
The young man that did the killing lived in a society where killing the young out of convenience is a sacrament for the presidents party.
Truth hurts.

To: Abbeville Conservative
"Wouldn’t he use the same finger each time?"...

To: Renegade
His crying for the loss of these children is like Clinton crying at the funeral of Ron Brown.

THIS!! Does he cry when giving out a Medal of Honor like GWB? Nah. Does he cry when seeing the caskets of our brave troops who paid the ultimate price? Nah. As we speak he and his handlers are figuring out how big an opening this gives for grabbing guns from law abiding citizens. Countdown starts now . . .

To: Tailgunner Joe
“All that tax money they could have paid... All the debt they could have assumed... (sob)”
To: ColdOne
While I think it is appropriate for the POTUS to comment when terrible events like this happen, it's NOT ABOUT HIM, though.
I could really give a poop how he's affected.
To: Tailgunner Joe
To: Renegade
As was pointed out by another FReeper, Mr. Intellectual Giant was wiping imaginary tears from the outside of his eyes when tear ducts are located on the side closest to the nose.
To: Tailgunner Joe
I thought Obama would be happy, most of the victims where white..

________________________________________To: Paladin2
It doesn’t look like a hotbed of Dems (except of course for all of the government workers milling about). This looks like an area where a lot of people are going to see their income taxes climb under Obama (and unlike Hollywood people, they can’t afford those increases while maintaining their standard of living).
If it was in one of CT’s food deserts I’d agree.
To: Tailgunner Joe
Mr President...How come you don't cry over the thousands of babies aborted each year??
There is no other word...You're a Hypocrite!!
My prayers for all.
To: rockvillem
As Rahm said, a crisis give you the chance to do things you normaly wouldn’t be able to do.
It’s called manipulation.
To: Tailgunner Joe
"Mr Obama called for "meaningful action" regardless of politics.
There it is, right there. He wants to collect all guns.
To: Tailgunner Joe
Obama was crying because he couldn’t believe the opportunity he was given to enact gun control legislation. Let no crisis go waste.
To: Renegade
Exactly. Cries on cue. That’s about as sincere as a socialist can get.
To: Tailgunner Joe
I will give him a bit of slack on this, but not much. Previously he described children as “burdens.” He is doing the correct thing today as president in a national tragedy, but it is also an issue he will exploit for more power.________________________________________
To: Tailgunner Joe
Did y’all hear all the camera’s start clicking when he pretended to cry? The lefty media is going to have a field day with this!
To: ColdOne
Nope. Unless it was Whitey doing the killing.
Leftists are hypocrites. Every month in Chicago there are more young blacks killed than there were today in Newton.
Where’s the outrage? Where’s the call to ban guns? Ooops, that’s right. Guns are already banned in Bammie-ville.
To: Tailgunner Joe
what utter crap, never let a crisis go to waste and we’ll have idiots thinking obama cares about them as if they were his kids.
To: Tailgunner Joe
Zero is going to ban the AR-15, on line ammo, gun shows, and magazines. This will be his pretext for an emergency EO.
To: Tailgunner Joe
I know that when I am about to lose it, it is not the tears that start first. It is the voice that cracks, followed by facial control, and lastly the tears flow.
It is interesting, than even as he paused, his voice never cracked or even showed signs of sadness. Plus, no matter how hard I tried, I could not find the invisible tears that he was wiping off his eyes and face.
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