Yeah, I thought I would have gotten an email too.
I ordered other things and got those notifications.
I`ll just keep checking.
I`m sure everything is fine.
I am a little afraid that not all is well. I got a shipping confirmation on the 4th of november and asked if something went wrong on 21th of november. They told me that my confirmation was a mistake and that they did in fact recieve the packages on the 19th of november from their manufacturer.
So now i am waiting for anything new on that subject. I wrote two times to know if i will get another shipping confirmation if the package gets shipped, bu i got no answer. :(
I just hope that everything is well...
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen."
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
I am a little afraid that not all is well. I got a shipping confirmation on the 4th of november and asked if something went wrong on 21th of november. They told me that my confirmation was a mistake and that they did in fact recieve the packages on the 19th of november from their manufacturer.
So now i am waiting for anything new on that subject. I wrote two times to know if i will get another shipping confirmation if the package gets shipped, bu i got no answer. :(
I just hope that everything is well...
Just recieved mine...Ill quess yours will come soon too neighbour
Did not get mine, nor another shipping mail. And did not get any answer from <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->.
They billed my credit card over a month ago...what to do now? Can anybody help me? :(
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen."
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
I also did get an early shipping confo mail,and not one when they did ship it later on
Its best to keep calm and wait,cause sometimes its fast and sometimes realy slow..
Sometimes its here in a week and sometimes it takes more then 3 or 4 weeks to arrival
Mostly when it arrives to someone overseas like here in Europe the rest soon follows
I hope yours will be there soon too my friend
But if you need it as a christmas gift or some like that( you dont want to wait longer. )
Contact me,then i will send you mine and when yours arrive later on you can send that too mee then
That's so kind! But i would not want you to do that, i will just wait until mine is here. I did send another mail today and just hope that i will at least get an answer this time.
"So foul and fair a day I have not seen."
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
You should have gotten a conformation mail the day before they send it to you...
h8 2 w8 for concerts
I ordered other things and got those notifications.
I`ll just keep checking.
I`m sure everything is fine.
I am a little afraid that not all is well. I got a shipping confirmation on the 4th of november and asked if something went wrong on 21th of november. They told me that my confirmation was a mistake and that they did in fact recieve the packages on the 19th of november from their manufacturer.
So now i am waiting for anything new on that subject. I wrote two times to know if i will get another shipping confirmation if the package gets shipped, bu i got no answer. :(
I just hope that everything is well...
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
Just recieved mine...Ill quess yours will come soon too neighbour
h8 2 w8 for concerts
They billed my credit card over a month ago...what to do now? Can anybody help me? :(
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
Its best to keep calm and wait,cause sometimes its fast and sometimes realy slow..
Sometimes its here in a week and sometimes it takes more then 3 or 4 weeks to arrival
Mostly when it arrives to someone overseas like here in Europe the rest soon follows
I hope yours will be there soon too my friend
But if you need it as a christmas gift or some like that( you dont want to wait longer.
Contact me,then i will send you mine and when yours arrive later on you can send that too mee then
No prob with that :corn:
h8 2 w8 for concerts
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
So patience is a good thing i guess? A thing i should learn in the near future...
MacBeth Act I, Scene III
:corn: :corn: :corn: :corn: :corn:
Happy holidays my friend
:thumbup: :wave:
h8 2 w8 for concerts