ISO: EV Perth 2011 Poster (FOUND!)

Please put my husband out of his misery and sell me this poster:
I'm happy to pay ebeans average or a fair 10c community price plus whatever it will cost you to ship to Australia. Via Paypal, and I'll pay a bit extra to cover your costs for receiving non-gift payment.
And yes, he's learnt not to ask "But where are you going to put that poster?" and I've learnt to always buy the poster :x
Thanks for your help
Update 1: purchase pending
Update 2:
I'm happy to pay ebeans average or a fair 10c community price plus whatever it will cost you to ship to Australia. Via Paypal, and I'll pay a bit extra to cover your costs for receiving non-gift payment.
And yes, he's learnt not to ask "But where are you going to put that poster?" and I've learnt to always buy the poster :x

Thanks for your help
Update 1: purchase pending
Update 2: