The Eddie Vedder Radio Show Pearl Jam Radio Sirius XM



  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    thanks man you are awesome
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    rebroadcast in less than half an hour
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    I am now able to record all these episodes, and will make them available in playlist form, once the final rebroadcast of that episode is done
  • niponipo Posts: 5
    what a bummer that things like the eddie vedder radio show or the live broadcast of his solo concert in lv is not streamed at the ten club radio. I thought that the whole sense of a fan club radio instead playing concert tapes over and over again. I feel the club should really consider to make such specials available to their paying fans.
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Los Pollos Hermanos Posts: 4,957
    I fully endorse Ed's idea of PJ covering "Ty Cobb" :thumbup:
  • lyearslyears Posts: 212
    Cheers for the link to the youtube videos. I enjoyed listening to Cardiff.
    Hyde Park 25/06/10 - Manchester 20/06/12 - Leeds 08/07/14
  • ZodZod Posts: 10,742
    Did anyone else find that Sirius's promos before and after the songs really didn't fit the radio show. They were so jarring, where Ed was subdued, they were old super cheesy over the top radio spots. Like Sirius really wanted to put it in your face that they got PEARL JAMs FRONT MAN EDDIE VEDDER.. ugh.

    As for why its not the 10c Radio. I'm guessing Sirius offer him some cash? :)
  • Big Bank HankBig Bank Hank Seattle, WA Posts: 8,639
    I believe each episode will get better and eventually I expect some guests and interviews
  • JHBeinJHBein Posts: 78
    Does anyone have an MP3 of this full broadcast?
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,004
    Does anyone have an MP3 of this full broadcast?

    I'll send you a download later this afternoon.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,004
    Does anyone have an MP3 of this full broadcast?

    The Eddie Vedder Radio Show SiriusXM Pearl Jam Radio December 5th 2012

  • JHBeinJHBein Posts: 78
    Awesome! Thank you....! I just found out about this... Did he do one show, or a bunch?
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,004
    Awesome! Thank you....! I just found out about this... Did he do one show, or a bunch?

    No problemo! He did just one show on SiriusXM Pearl Jam Radio.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,004
    Someday Ed will come back to do another special on SIriusXM.
  • JHBeinJHBein Posts: 78
    I hope so. I've been reading that book PJ20 and it mentioned how Vedder used to do post-concert broadcasts from his van. Play songs, take calls. I wish those were out there in circulation....
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,004
    I hope so. I've been reading that book PJ20 and it mentioned how Vedder used to do post-concert broadcasts from his van. Play songs, take calls. I wish those were out there in circulation....

    Yeah, me too.
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