05-03-2010 Kansas City, Missouri 05-04-2010 St Louis, Missouri 09-22-2012 Atlanta, GA (Music Midtown Festival) EV 11-09-2012 Austin 1 11-11-12 Austin 2 11-16-12 San Antonio
Damn it, missed out on this why I was trying for 1 at my local record shop which was also gone. If any1 has buyers remorse(10c or store ver) or would like to trade, sell, etc, plz hit me up with a Pm. Thx
Damn it, missed out on this why I was trying for 1 at my local record shop which was also gone. If any1 has buyers remorse(10c or store ver) or would like to trade, sell, etc, plz hit me up with a Pm. Thx
05-03-2010 Kansas City, Missouri 05-04-2010 St Louis, Missouri 09-22-2012 Atlanta, GA (Music Midtown Festival) EV 11-09-2012 Austin 1 11-11-12 Austin 2 11-16-12 San Antonio
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
10C version now sold out?!
do we even know for sure that there IS a purple one?
I did score multiple copies of the RSD "shop" version, though. I'd fancy a trade of one for the purple.
yes...10c exclusive, hand numbered out of 1000 only, 45rpm blue vinyl....same songs. Sold out pretty quick
http://www.soundstagedirect.com/mad-sea ... ords.shtml
get on it...won't last long
Just got home to see this and unfortunately they're discontinued. Apparently it is not my day. :fp: